The Meeting

Having established the fact that Shi Ai was now in the hands of a safe family and an older brother,Ah Hai had called off the surveillance on Shi Ai.So he was naturally unaware of the present situation she was in.He was now focusing on establishing his name in the security business in Country A as well as setting atarget on his back.He needed to get his enemies out and the best way to hunt the hunter was give him a false sense of security and become the prey.And once the hunter came to hunt,all he needed to do was get the trap.

Ah Hai was currently in the meeting with his top security men who were undercover guards to the high officials in the country.His enmity was personal and he needed to focus on expanding his business if he were to fund the charities he had set up for the families of those who had given their life in the service of the nation.

In the stifling boardroom,the lights were turned off and the man at the head of the table was shrouded in the dark.The lighting was such that no matter how much one tried of discerning eyes they had,they would be unable to see the face of the Big Boss.The reason for this was simple.It was not the right time yet.

All the men and women in this room had been handpicked by Ah Hai and Shot,with careful consideration to skills,talents and loyalty.But presently Shot was the face of the Company.This was because his easy going charm and dimpled smile did not make anyone think that the man could be dangerous.Only thoe close to him knew how he had earned the moniker of Shot. They had been a team of world class snipers.It required great strength to be the face of death.

Ah Hai observed from the darkness as Shot conducted the meeting.They were presently focused on a team of no good assasins who had threatened to kill the peace ambassador from Country R to Country A.This threat was not to be taken lightly as such an occurence could be considered a threat to Country R which could then lead to a nuclear war.

They had already discovered the source of the threat and were currently viewing their live activities with the helpof a drone and an agent who had ingrated himself into the blood thirsty group.The goal was to not just take them out but also the master mind behind this.They needed to pinpoint who was the one who was scared of peace between the two countries.While the teams started to discuss the activities of the group of assasins used for funding,their gazed inadverently fell away from the screen to their partners.But the man shrouded in dark was multi tasking.He could hear what was being said and still his eyes did not move from the screen.This helped him pinpoint their target.The one who was in touch with the mastermind.Knight knocked on the table once.This had the effect of a judge's gavel falling.All eyes turned to the dark figure.As everybody once again tried to look into the dark,Shot asked,"Yes,Knight?"

A gravelly voice answered,"The man in the black shirt and blue ripped jeans with the scorpion tattoo is the direct contact.Tail him and follow his moves."With that Knight up and left the room from a dark door right behind his chair. Having achieved the purpose of tonight's meeting,he felt no need to sit there anymore.Of course the others left behind were in a state of shock.Their eyes had already turned to the screen but on the inside they were still trying to make sense of the voice.A single sentence spoke so unemotionally but in such a honeyed baritone that they wanted to be mesmerized.

Behind the dark door of the conference room,Knight was running his fingers through his hair.His gut was screaming that something bad was going to happen but he did not know what.He looked at the time and messaged his brothers and sisters in law but all was fine on their end so he did not understand why he was so restless tonight.

Picking up the black rubber band from the table he pulled his hair back and tied thm into a ponytail at the top of his head.Then picking up his back pack put up the black hoodie on top of his head.He then jumped out of the window with the help of a rope on the outside.He was going to rappel down the 52 floors from his office.He needed a workout.As he went down,his phone was left on the table in his office.