The Instinct

Long Ah Hai was someone who trusted his instincts without a doubt.Ever since he had joined the army,it were his instincts that had saved him numerous times from the enemy as well as those seniors in the army who liked to bully.His aura was not something innate like his big brother Long Ryu.Ah Hai had cultivated it to keep people at a distance and keep them scared.

When his instincts had been screaming at him about danger,he would not have ignored it.After having spoken to his family,Ah Hai had decided to check on Shi Ai.He was pretty sure that Shi Ai would be in bed by now or playing games.And so he was a little shocked when he saw her location.

After rappelling down the building,he had sat in his car and tracked her cell phone's location only to realize that she was out partying.But that was okay too.In fact Ah Hai felt that was a good thing that she was out with friends,being a normal teenager.