End of Yao Yao (2)

"What were you doing just now?Are you trying to sabotage me even before I have started?",Shi Ai frowned at Zhang Min. Zhang Min on the other hand flicked her on the forehead and said,"You were over acting. Thankfully Yao Yao is not a very bright bulb in the market." Seeing her confused expression, Zhang Min shook his head and explained with a deep breath," Shi Ai,you don't talk. Most of the time another person has to ask you to meet up and even then you agree as if you are very reluctant to do so. You never speak too much and babble like you were doing just now! This is called overkill! You are a reticent person unless you are in the company of people you are comfortable with!And you may have considered her a friend but even subconsciously you were not very comfortable with her so you never spoke much. So she has never seen you in your element and her image of you is just that. If you are so enthusiastic about meeting her and talking,she is going to suspect something!"