Rules Of The Game

When the five men first glanced at the girl who had walked in,they were forced to do a double take. Their protective instincts rushed to the fore and all five were ready to defend her. Knox,who was the most impulsive was about to walk towards the announcement system to cancel the competition. But Viper reacted with speed and stopped him. In an indignant tone, Knox muttered,"Viper,we all know that Knight's wife does not need to prove anything. The fact that Knight has chosen her is enough. Look at the girl,she looks as green as a new leaf! How is she going to stand Xu Likun? Everyone knows that she is ruthless and aggressive. If this was a simple competition to check their endurance or even shooting prowess that too would have been unfair but Xu Likun has chosen hand to hand combat! This is a shameful way and Ah Hai should have put her down immediately!"