The Final Move

Xu Li had said one thing right. It did not matter whether it was a trap or not. She would not let anyone die because of her. She did not pay attention to what Xu Li had to say about Ah Hai or Yang Mei. What she did need to know was whether the photograph was true or a photoshopped version. Xu Li saw the doubt in Shi Xaio's eyes and said, "I'll tell you what Miss Xiao Ai, I will wait for you outside for ten minutes till you decide what you wish to do and then take you there. If you don't come until then, you don't need to worry about your family anymore. You can just proceed with the funeral arrangements." The moment Xu Li had left, Xiao Ai fished out her cell phone to call Ah Hai. The call was answered in the first ring and without pausing Shi Ai queried, "Is Yang Mei, my real sister? And are they in Shi Qinglan's grasp now? And Shi Qinglan was supposed to attack me. How then did he reach Yang Mei? Did you change that part?"