A Find

When Xue Qian reached the door, she momentarily wondered if she would be able to get into the house. She had seen Shawn enter the password multiple times but she had never tried to come inside by herself. This she realized was another mistake she had made. Which fiance did not know her would-be husband's house code? Rubbing her sweaty palms, she entered the password, and almost jumped up when the door opened. She raced to his bedroom to search through it. Hurrying, she checked the cupboard and the drawers but found nothing apart from clothes and other knick knacks.

After looking everywhere from under the bed and the carpet to every imaginable place, Qian Qian rubbed her head and wondered if there was some place else that he could have hidden them. What if it wasn't here? After all Shawn had many homes under his name and this was only his primary residence. She walked to his little home office, wondering if the negatives could be in her sister's hands. A thought entered her mind as she shuddered. What if they had destroyed the negatives? No, they wouldn't do that...Because then they wound not be able to prove the other person's innocence also. She shook her head to dispel the negative thoughts and started checking the drawers in the table. No. To ruin her credibility, they would need the thief to have the negatives.. She threw aside the files and the papers, praying desperately that she would find them. Just as she was about to check the last drawer, her phone started to ring. It was her dear sister. Tempted to decline the call or answer it with a string of curse words, Xie Eun squatted down and tried to open the last drawer, letting her phone continue to ring.. To her surprise, this one was locked! She tried pulling it to open, but it stayed firm.

Her face suddenly pulled in a smile. This was locked. So chances were there was something important hidden here...Even if it wasn't the negatives, there could be something that she could use against them to get the negatives back. Standing up, she pulled out the small card like swiss knife and started to cut through the lock. The one thing that she had learnt in the world was the need to survive and she knew how to do that with the right tools. Did they think that she had only ever clicked happy pictures? She had spent two tears of her life in war stricken areas and knew the importance of carrying a weapon everywhere Disaster could strike anytime and it was always better to b prepared.. Slowly, the lock was cut out and she opened the drawer carefully.

The drawer was full with envelopes. Once again, her phone started to ring and this time it was Shawn calling her.. Eyes gleaming coldly, she looked at the name and slid the green button. Trying to talk normally, she said a cheery 'Hello?"

And then wanted to punch the bastard when he had the gall to ask, "Baby? Where are you?"

Casually, she sat in his chair and pulled a small bag from under the table, stuffing the envelopes into the bag and answered, "I am at your house. Spying on you and looking for your dirty secrets. Tell me, you have any?" and felt immediately gratified at the sudden silence on the other end. To ease his mind, she laughed and said, "Hey...I am just teasing you! What are you so worried about? Do you really have something hidden from me?"

Stuttering a bit, Shawn answered, "Of course not baby! I was just surprised. If you are at home, I can come over.."

Laughing, Qian Qian looked down at the empty drawer and then the laptop on the table was also stuffed into the bag. "Just calm down. I wanted to spend some time with myself. I will be going home soon. What is up with you? You have some work with me? Otherwise you only ever call when it is important."