You Know Each Other?

Matt could see the woman's lips move but he heard nothing. Because all he could hear was white noise as the world around him disappeared. This woman seemed to know him but he did not know her! How was that possible? He had a photographic memory... it had been his biggest bane since his Jianan passed away... His inability to forget everything because of the dam* brain! It was also why he had now blanked out. Because even though he had forgotten the woman's face, her eyes were something he had not forgotten... he had painted them for so long...

A rush of hot anger coursed through him as he realized that he was thinking of those eyes again. He had promised himself that he would not think of that ever again! But there was something he needed to know...How did this woman seem to know him? Was it because of his fame? Or was it more personal?

Big Mama had come forward at this moment and the woman was talking to her as Matt listened in," Qian Qian? Is this the disgusting man that forced you to leave everything behind? Do you need me to him him a bit?"

Matt raised his eyebrows at this bit of news and he looked over thoughtfully. The woman did not seem to realize that he was listening in and shook her head in denial," No no Big mama. This is...this is Matt Long.. He was the one who gave me the big break all those years ago..."

He gave her a big break? This was news to him! When did he do that? Widening his eyes, he stared at the woman even more when Big Mama clapped her hands in excitement and pointed at the wide eyed and dumbfounded Matt Long," He is that artist! That mad artist who chose you to be his brothers' wedding photographer! No wonder he looks so scruffy! He is a struggling artist! Did his rich brothers disown him?"

Rather affronted, Matt was strongly piqued at being called artist and a struggling one at that, but he finally remembered this woman. So she was that talented photographer whose work he had seen and judged. And thinking back to the photographs that were scattered inside Ryu and Al's house, she really had done a good job at it. No wonder he did not have much impression of that woman.. It was her work he had seen... But then how did he remember her eyes.. But immediately as the thought popped up, he discarded it and closed the door to that matter. It was something he had already let go of.

But last he had heard, that photographer had become famous and successful.. His eyes then looked at the little pixie and what he had just learnt...and he was enlightened...Love was really something that changed a person's life upside down. Here was another victim of love. Anyways, whatever this person's story was, he had no interest in it.

Clearing his throat, he said, "Now, if we are clear on the fact that I am not a dangerous person, little pixie, I mean Ella was really hungry. And so am I. Could we get something to eat?"

Big mama looked back at the poor man and clucked like a mother hen. No idea how long the man had been hungry.. Going to him, she patted his shoulder and said," Sit sit! I will bring you a hot meal soon!"

At the end of his tether, he leaned back in his seat with a sigh. Just then his eyes met the little pixie who was holding her mother's hand and glaring at him worriedly. A wary smile graced his face as he smiled at her and said," Are you not hungry anymore Ella? Come, have a seat." He, then looked at the woman and said," Miss Xue? Please join us for a meal."

Hurriedly, Ella half pulled half dragged her mother to the seat and then gave him a mega watt smile as her confidence was restored and she started to chatter again," Prince? Do you really know my mommy? Have you seen the photographs that she clicks? Mama is the best photographer! Do you know that he picture she clicked of my mama and dada before they went to heaven is the best picture ever? Looking at that picture makes me feel as if they are real!"

Xue Qian was thoroughly embarrassed at this and she tried to shush the little girl and smiled awkwardly to cover up what the girl had said," Mr. Long, please excuse Ella. She has deemed herself to be the President of my fan club and like an amazing supporter, she tends to over exaggerate things. I am not that good anymore..."