At The Hospital

As Matt sat in the waiting room, his head leaned back against the wall and little Ella nestled in his arms. Guilt was an emotion that he had lived with for a while and now he could add this tonight. If only he had not been distracted. He looked down at Ella who had abrasions on her neck from the seatbelt but now was sleeping in his arms, while he had sustained a minor cut on the head, Miss Xue had suffered the most and was still in the emergency room.. He knew Ella was worried and scared for her mother but the little girl's trust in him was humbling as she had believed him when he said that she was fine.. He just hoped that fate would not make a liar of him. Though the police officer who had just left had repeatedly told them that it was the other two cars that were at fault as they had been racing illegally...And yet, he knew that if he had been more alert, this accident could have been avoided. He fingered his phone as he considered calling his brothers and letting them know about this before they came to know about it through the insurance people but then discarded the thought. At present he had no explanations available to offer them and they would naturally worry...

While Matt and Ella waited for the doctor's prognosis, gossip at the nurse's station was rampant as they discussed, "Do you know the new emergency patients? Rick was the paramedic who answered the emergency call. He told me how that man went back into the car to rescue his wife! He actually carried her out while the police was busy rescuing those irresponsible idiots who were out racing!"

The two other nurses who were gathered around the station sighed in appreciation of someone loving their wife so much while the third one reacted oppositely," Be quiet! Do you know who you are calling irresponsible! That was the mayor's son and his nephew! Just hope that nothing happens to them or the mayor will upturn our hospital! And do you think he will let his precious children take the fall? The ones who were saved are obviously going to suffer.. Just wait and see.."

The other nurses were all shocked and could only shake their heads in pity. Even if the family had survived an accident but they would face more problem in the future.

Just then the paramedic- Rick came from outside and was immediately surrounded by the nurses as they questioned him about the condition of the other two people.. Shaking his head, he answered, "They will survive! They were badly hurt and will need physical therapy but they will survive! But more than that they needed to be throw behind the prison! Do you know we were checking the cameras? If it had not been for the smartness of the other person in swerving directly and thus preventing the other cars also being added to the mess, those idiots would have died! But instead of thanking that man, we received a call from the mayor's office to twist around the truth!"

The other nurses looked at the one who had said the same thing and were saddened but they dare not gossip. The same nurse then warned Rick too, "Rick! Don't gossip! The mayor is the biggest supporter in our hospital! And if anyone were to tell him this, then you would be in trouble! We are small fish in this large ocean. It is better to steer clear of the bigger ones! Like you, all of us can only pity the man and his family if we want to survive here.."

But as the other nurses were nodding in agreement, Rick unexpectedly grinned and leaned closer as he said, "I don't think so! The mayor may be a big fish but the man who was driving the car is definitely no small one! I just told you that I watched the accident! The car that the man was driving was an out of town one! But do you know the biggest reason it survived the crash? The car is a limited edition Rolls Royce Cullinan! It bloody well costs more than a few hundred thousand million dollars...Anyone owning the car cannot be a simple person! And tell me do you think that man would be sitting in there so peacefully if that was the only car he owned? The police are even now trying to find the identity of that man before they submit a report! They dare not offend someone even more powerful than the mayor!"

The other nurses felt their mouths fall open and eyes widen while Alan walked away! This was not the first time the mayor's children had created problems but this was the first time they may get taught a lesson!

Unaware of the chaos, his mere presence had created, Matt stood up with Ella in his arms when the doctor entered. The doctor nodded at the man and even before any one asked said," Your wife is fine! She is under anesthesia and needs to be monitored overnight. Luckily her face only had a few abrasions and this will leave no scars. The main injury was caused to the arm that had pieces of glass embedded, a minor fracture near the toes. She will need some rest and need to keep the wound on her arms dry! But other than that she can go home tomorrow."

Matt thanked the doctor but did not correct the doctor on his assumption and went out to make arrangements to stay in a hotel.