How Dare You?

Qian Qian opened her eyes slowly as various voices sounded around her. She frowned as she tried to recollect where she could be. Opening her eyes felt specially painful as the glaring light hit her in the eyes making her want to keep them shut. But something was niggling at the back of her mind, telling her that she was forgetting something. Though she did not understand what.

As she tried to recollect what it was that she was forgetting, everything came back to her suddenly and this time her eyes opened wide in fear. Flashes and images from last night assaulted her and she turned around her head in a hurry, looking for her Ella.

A hoarse scream came out of her mouth as she tried to call for Ella? Was her kid alright? The doctor and the nurse who were nearby heard the movement and came back to her. "Mrs. Long? Are you awake now?" The doctor seemed to recognize her concern as he continued," DO not worry, your daughter and husband are both well and not hurt. But, you on the other hand will need to take a good rest for the coming few days. The nurses have told us that your daughter was terrified and thus Mr. Long took her to a nearby hotel. I will ask the nurses to let them know you are awake..". With that the doctor nodded and left her alone in the room..

But as the doctor spoke, Qian was panicking more instead of feeling reassured. Her daughter had been under the guardianship of a stranger all night.. Even though she knew that the Long family was a respectable one, no one knew what happened behind closed doors. And why had Matt Long not corrected the hospital staff that she was not his wife?

At this moment, the mayor sat in the Sheriff's office while glaring and threatening the man who was refusing to alter the report. The Sheriff clenched his hands and wanted to punch his assistant who had blabbered everything to the mayor! This is why he hated working in the police! Instead of doing their duties, officers like his assistant were more interested in being snitches for the rich! But the Sheriff kept his expression calm as he tried to not show the disdain he felt for the mayor on his face. People like him should be thrown off the stage for taking false oaths.

On the other hand, the Sheriff was pretty pleased that this time the mayor was going to suffer a bit and had met an opposition more powerful than him. In a fake sympathetic voice, he explained," Mayor, Sir. It is not that I am going against you. It is just that Justice Long has ordered a thorough investigation. Naturally, I cannot naysay a justice, correct? But I will be delay it as much as possible for your sake. Until then, if you don't mind, please speak to the victims. If they insist that they do not want to file for damages, then maybe we can finish off this matter right here, otherwise..."

As the mayor left in a huff, the Sheriff's eyes flinted as he thought," Oh Mr. Mayor, you have been given time but not much. The only reason I have granted you this grace period is because I want to collect evidence of my Assistant's bribery. Because after this case, he knew the mayor was not going to let him keep his position and he had no intention of leaving the post in the hands of his Deputy who was corrupt to the core. He would go alright but so would his deputy. As for the victims, he knew that they could handle themselves.. after all the Long family was not someone to be trifled with! His Deputy had chosen to stand on the wrong side...

Getting the details from the Deputy, the mayor ordered his driver to take him to the hospital to talk to the woman who was admitter there! The deputy had told him that the woman was alone in the hospital and the only one whose statement the police had yet to take. The mayor planned to have her give a statement against her husband whether she did for bribes or of he had to threaten her. He would promise her a few things and even promise to help her husband get away with a small fine or a light sentence if she agreed and if she did not, his gaze hardened, then she would have to say good bye to her family.

As the mayor stiffly walked into the hospital, his aura was darker than an 'asura'. The walking stick in his hand that as actually an aid for his to walk sounded more like a weapon against the floor. The stiff and straight back and cold eyes put the fear of God in the eyes of people who dared to step in his way.

When he realized that the woman was recuperating in a VIP room on par with his own son and nephew, he was even more enraged. Once he reached the top floor, he saw the doctor coming out of the room followed by a nurse. Stopping the doctor, he asked briskly," Doctor? What is the condition of my son and nephew now?"

The doctor greeted the mayor before answering, "Mayor Oh. Please come. I was just about to go and check on them."

But instead of being pacified, Mayor Oh, banged his stick against the floor as he roared, "Are you saying that you have not yet checked on my children? Who do you think you are, you stupi* doctor! Don't you know who I am? How dare you go and check on some nobody instead of my children? Go away and call another intelligent doctor!"

With that Mayor Oh, slapped his stick on the doctor's calf and walked directly into the woman's room whose husband had caused the accident!