
Once Mayor Oh was gone, Ella carefully climbed on to the patient bed and kissed her mama on the cheek. Hugging her daughter, Qian Qian desperately looked her over, checking to see if she had been hurt. Understanding, Ella casually lifted her top and showed the slight Mark's on her little tummy. "This is the only hurt I had mama and Aunt nurse bandaged it last night and applied the medication this morning!It is also why we are late and could not save you from that bad uncle! My prince insisted on taking me to the doctor first before coming up to see you!He said that you would worry more if you saw the bandage!"

A sigh of relief passed through her as Qian Qian noticed the Mark's which had begun to fade. Smiling at her daughter's disgruntled face, Qian Qian kissed her on the nose before asking,"Did you trouble Mr. Long last night and stay with him? Ella Xu, in case of an emergency, have I not told you that you must call Aunt An? I have made you learn her number also. Then why did you not?"

Ella would naturally not tell her mama that being in the care of her prince was much better than boring Aunty An and so she frowned and said,"Mama. I was so scared last night. I dis not even think of calling Aunt. I will definitely call her if any emergency happens in the future."

Only if her prince is unable to help her, Ella added silently.

Knowing her daughter, Qian Qian could guess her thought about did not point it out and changed the topic,"Have you eaten your breakfast?"

Ths question caused Ella to his her head with her palm as she said,"Yes mama!I had the best porridge ever! It was so fragrant and smooth! We even packed some for you but then that uncle was here..." Ella turned back to look at the discarded lunchbox that was still sitting by the door abandoned. Climbing down the bed, she picked it up with both hands and brought it forward, "See mama? I got this for you."

Just then the door to the room opened and Matt Long walked in. Qian Qian smiled awkwardly at the man before saying, "Thank you, Mr Long. For saving us last night and for taking such good care of Ella. We have troubled you."

Matt frowned at the formal tone and said,"Please don't say that. I am the one who is sorry to you. If I have been more alert, then all this would not have happened. And caring for Ella is no trouble."

Qian Qian nodded and looked down at her bandaged arm at a loss on how to conti ue this conversation. But the little girl had no such trouble and complained loudly,"Prince! Mama is hungry and the porridge will go cold. Can you please open it for her?"

Matt looked at the lunch box in her hands and then at the Miss Xue 's bandaged hand and took the box from Ella's hand and opened the lid carefully before placing on a nearby coffee table. He then turned to Ella and said,"Your mama will need help with eating. Why don't you call the nurse?"

Ella nodded and left to call the nurse,unaware that they could call the nurse with just the press of a button. Once the girl was out, he asked,"Miss Xue, you will be discharged today. But you are not allowed to move your arm and you have hurt your foot so you will be needing help with the child. Do you have someone who can help you out with house hold chores and Ella?"

As the same thoughts had been ongoing in Qian Qian's mind, she nodded and said,"Yes. Thank you,Mr. Long formal your help with Ella. I..once I have my phone back I will be able to contact the person regarding this. But I would like to talk to you about Ella...Do you have a few moments before you leave? See the thing is Ella has become attached to you. And I understand that it is not your concern or responsibility and if we had separated last night it would have been fine. But now.. if you don't mind, could you please give me a chance to explain to Ella before you leave?"

Just then, Ella returned with a nurse in tow...and the conversation stopped abruptly.