
As the first few goons entered with their flash lights on, a few in the back, screamed in agony as they were punched by Matt. His eyes cold and his face resembling that of a death angel out on a mission to annihilate the world of his enemies. The leader of the goons turned back at the sound of the screams and widened his eyes! This was the man they were supposed to only hit and go? The sound of the punch resounded as his person was thrown to the ground with the force. Turning back, Leader Gong, ordered his men, "take the man and teach him a lesson! No need to be lenient!"

When three of his men were thrown to the ground, he knew that this man was no simpleton and they had been misinformed! The man had to be a trained soldier or more! And when they had been misguided, he felt no qualms about disregarding their orders. Anyway they had been paid so they could do what they wished. Within a minute, out of twenty of his cahoots, he had already severely punched and kicked a few.

In a rage, Gong decided that he was going to exhort more money from the bloo** mayor! If his own people were going to land in the hospital, then the mayor needed to pay money for the hospital bill as well! Taking out a chain, he walked to the man who was now being held by down by three of his men. Swiftly, he threw the chain around the man's neck and started to choke him by tightening the chain. Matt struggled to breathe as he felt the thick metallic chain around his neck. The other men moved back when they realized that their boss had interfered and watched the scene unfold in front of them. Matt tried to loosen the hold with his fingers but could feel the lack of oxygen making him dizzy. He knew he would soon loose consciousness.

Even as this thought came to him, he slumped to the floor causing Leader Gong to lose his balance. Once the man had fallen to the ground, Gong let go of the chain and laughed loudly. The goons who had just stood up and winced in pain were now cheering for Leader Gong. To show his mercilessness, Gong, lifted his foot and was about to kick the man lying on the ground but instead of it landing on the man's back, his foot was suddenly caught in the air and he was pushed back.

In the blink of an eye, Leader Gong found his own chain wrapped around his neck. In a raspy voice, Matt growled, "When you choke someone, you need to know how long it will take them to loose consciousness. You overestimated your power and underestimated mine. If any of your goons comes closer, I will also show you how long it takes to kill someone by choking.. Leader Gong struggled desperately to catch his breath as he tried to plead, "We meant no harm. Please let us leave! We were only supposed to scare your family a but and rough you up a but. Please let us go."

Just then a distant wail sounded indicating the impending arrival of the police. Most of the men ran away while Leader Gong was still struggling to breathe. Finally, Matt relaxed his hold, ready to hand the leader to the police, when he was hit with a rod on the shoulder. Shouting in pain, he clutched his shoulder and turned around ready to kick the man but the perpetrator had already run away and Leader Gong ran away towards the other side of the lake.

Exhausted, Matt fell to his knees and watched the men run away, knowing it was too late to catch them. Finally, silence reigned and Matt slowly tried to go back to his car and get the mobile phone to call and reassure little Ella.

Meanwhile, Qian Qian who had only just reached halfway across the lake as she tried to hide from view, suddenly heard the sound of running behind her and hid behind the cover of trees and was amazed at the sight. The goons were all rushing in her own direction. She wondered if they had spotted her and hid herself closer to the tree but those people rushed ahead, bypassing her. She noticed some of them were bruised while some were limping. And that was when she paid attention to the sound of the sirens and realized that they were safe.

But the goons or Matt or Qian Qian, no one knew that the goons had actually escaped only to fall into the hands of Neil Long's people and would soon be gift wrapped to be sent to the police station. Just because he ordered the people to batter his brother a bit, did not mean that he would let them go. As the men, jumped into various waiting vans and drove away they were taken to a dark basement...