Crazy Man

Matt paced the length of his room through the night and early into the room waiting for the woman's reply. Ever since he had placed the proposal on the table, a sense of rightness had settled into him. He could already imagine little Ella calling him Papa trustingly.

As he stared at the slow moving hands of the clock, he could hardly wait for the time when he would receive a reply. He had actually assumed that she would immediately jump at the offer. A sardonic voice sounded in his head sarcastically,"Confident much? Do you really think that you are such a great catch Matt Long? Narcissistic much?"

Before Matt could rue over his thoughts, the sound of the bell to the suite sounded and he stopped in anticipation. So the foolish woman had come to her senses and come a few hours early. Well at least she had not waited for the twenty four hours to end!.

within a minute the sound of the bell filled the room. This time it sounded as if she had placed a finger on the button and was not willing to stop until the door opened.

composing his face into a cold expression Matt opened the door and was immediately cocooned in a warm hug. Before he could come to his senses, the woman who had embraced him had pushed him aside and he had received a customary pat on his shoulders by his eldest brother Ryu Long.

Like a little kid who had been caught stealing candy, Matt's face turned pale. Somehow he felt that their arriving here was not a good thing.

Scowling, he looked at his brother and asked rather rudely,"What are you doing here?" And as was his habit, Ryu Long ignored his brother and simply went to sit on a couch in the room, strerching his long legs in front of him and leaning his head back. He was getting older and driving through the night was on the top of avoid things list.

Getting no answer from his brother meant only one thing. His brother was also.probably not aware of their reason for this visit. But he could guess. Snidely, he opened his mouth and said,"Neil is a lawyer! How can he not keep secrets?"

"Ha!It is because he is a lawyer that he has the brains the size of a cockroach! You, on the other hand seem to possess the brains of an ant! Prepare a prential agreement just because you want to become a parent to Ella Xue! You crazy man!"

Alicia poked her finger at Matt as she blasted him with her anger. But Matt had already caught onto something and scowled back accusing,"It seems I am being spied on! There is no way you have found so much information about Ella and the rest in such a short time!"

"Ha! Since you seem to not care about your brother, should he do the same with you?Since you were in a car accident, naturally we had to know! And don't try to change the topic! Let me tell you Matt Long, if you are going to enter a contract marriage it is going to be for a lifetime or not at all since it involves a child. And if you think you can force a girl into marrying again, you have another 'think' coming. Forget all obstacles, I am the biggest obstacle standing in your way! If you insist on taking such a foolhardy way, then I will use all my power and move Qian Qian and Ella to a location where you will not even be able to find them!"

Matt clenched his hands in anger and frustration as he argued back," You can try! I will not let you touch my daughter! You, of all people, should understand, Alicia!"

The accusing statement was accompanied by a soft plea to understand, instantly making Alicia's anger deflate like a hot air balloon. Yes. She understood the pain of losing a child. And just like him, she chose a little child to call her own and entered a contract marriage. But there was a difference in their own stances. She and Ryu we're never coerced into the marriage. Yes, the circumstances were forced but they had both felt the spark of attraction to each other. If Matt and Qian Qian were lacking in that then...all hell would break loose, ruining at least three lives in the process.

Taking a deep breath, Alicia looked Matt in the eye and said quietly,"It is because I understand Matt that I am stopping you from making this mistake. Please re think your decision."