Bake A Cake...She Said!

Matt stared at the kitchen and then himself in the mirror as he looked down at the mess! He was definitely going to kill someone! And that someone was going to be Alicia Long, his sister in law! with her children grown up, she seemed to have a lot of time on her hands to give such epic ideas to children!! No wonder Ryu's head full of hair had already started to grey! "Bake a cake,", she told them! "It will be fun!" Ha! If this was her definition of fun then he could only pity Ryu Long!


Matt and Qian Qian had returned joyfully and went to collect Ella, only to be taken in with her excitement of wanting to bake a cake like Aunt Alicia! Not expecting much he had agreed to accede to the request and now lived to regret this morning.

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