Gossip And Rumours

Mian Mian sat in the lounge waiting for the big producer to arrive. She looked at all the models who were at present surrounding Liu Xi, her biggest nemesis and her face turned away coldly. All these women used to flock to her but ever since she had been accused of murdering that Janey, they were avoiding her as if she was the carrier of plague. She looked at their faces, carefully committing them to her memory. She was going to teach them a lesson when they realized that just because of one small pesky accusation, she had not lost her power.

Hadn't she come out of the prison unscratched when they finally deduced that Janey died of a heart condition? And soon her public relations team would make public that her and Janey were old colleagues and she had been 'helping' Janey financially over the years. A sinister smile graced her face as she thought that with Janey her secret had also been buried. Now there would be no one to threaten or blackmail her.