Where is She?

When her phone remained unreachable, Ru's anger which had considerably cooled rose again. If it had been him who had dared to do something that hurt Xini, he would have left everything to reach out to her. But she had not even bothered. As he freshened up, his anger started to stroke but before he could get into a full blown temper, his logical side rose. She could have come but not been able to stay to explain. Maybe she believed that he was still angry and thus was having difficulty facing him.

Putting on a t shirt and joggers, he grabbed his set of keys and went down to go home. So if the silly girl had crawled back into her shell because she was scared of his temper tantrum, then he would have to coax her out of it and not let her go until she had pacified him with a reasonable explanation. He wasn't going to sleep until everything was well in their world.