An Engagement Ball

"I have yet to punch you in the face. The only reason I have not done it today is because I don't ant you to have a black eye on this day."

"Not really no. There is no need for you to punch me."

"Need I remind you what you did when you discovered about me and Rou Rou?"

"No.. But I need to remind you that while you had not made your intentions clear, mine are as clear as the day. I intend to marry Xini next week."

"Next week! Are you crazy? She is not even the legal age of twenty one.. Do you mean to get engaged to her?"

"That is my problem. Not yours."

"How is that not my problem? Just what are you planning, Ru?"

"I'll let you know when the time is right. For now, you need to turn back and get a look at your fiance so that I can ogle my girlfriend."

As the two boys had been speaking in hushed tones, Rou Rou entered the banquet hall amidst a small round of applause.