The Death Of a God

One month later

On a mountain full of vegetation, a boy with long red hair and pointy ears slowly walked to a temple ruin.

After Walking for time, Agnus came to the ruins and saw some murals showing a man with dark skin and short red hair, teaching how to use fire and other things.

Agnus, looked for a while at the mural with a happy smile, he did not expect the god to be [Xiuhtecuhtli: god of fire and heat]. For a red dragon the deity is basically perfect.

"Now we just need to find the [Kingdom of God]." Agnus speaks as he looks around the temple.

([Kingdom of God] where believers but faithful go after death, within the kingdom of God, the god in question and Almighty.)

After walking around the temple, Agnus finally found a statue of a short-haired man holding a spear.

Looking at the statue, Agnus's eyes sparkle and a smile appeared on his face.

"I found it," Agnus whispered and didn't hesitate to break the statue with a punch. When Agnus broke the statue, the space around it began to deform and soon a beautiful golden portal formed and inside the door a whole new world could be seen.

Agnus did not hesitate to enter and saw a world with two red suns and a red sky and large amounts of golden sand everywhere.

"What a bad taste, a desert" Agnus says showing a trace of contempt in his eyes. Suddenly the ground began to shake like an earthquake. Agnus spread his wings and soared upward and saw tens of thousands of people standing on a red horse and running toward him.

Seeing this, Agnus only feels contempt for the god Xiuhtecuhtli. This army of mortals may be strong, but it is limited to the same category of mortals. Against a dragon and totally different.

"What a sad existence." Agnus spoke when he saw everyone's eyes, only one feeling [Happiness].

"Let me crush your sad existence, Mortals," Agnus said calmly but his eyes were cold as Ice. Agnus used his magic but strong at the moment.

[6th Circle Magic: Waves of Flames]

When Agnus waved his hand and a red flame and hundreds of meters like a wave, fell directly into the army burning everything in front of him.

Even though the soldiers are burned alive, they still smile with a bright smile on their faces.

At a temperature of 3000 degrees Celsius, the Soldiers did not last long and were turned to ashes in a matter of seconds, leaving a heap of ashes on the glass that was transformed by the high temperature of Agnus's flame.

Looking indifferently at all this, Agnus flies straight to the temple in the middle of the desert. After a few minutes Agnus arrived at the temple entrance and did not hesitate to enter.

Entering the temple, Agnus released his mental energy as if it were a pulse and soon found, Xiuhtecuhtli sleeping in the temple's master bedroom.

Walking slowly, Agnus came to Xiuhtecuhtli's bedroom door and Without the slightest respect, Agnus lifted his leg and kicked hard at the door that shattered into thousands of pieces.


Entering the room, Agnus walked to the golden bed in the middle of the room and saw Xiuhtecuhtli, he was a handsome man with dark skin and red hair.

Agnus looked at Xiuhtecuhtli indifferently and began to cast magic.

[2nd Circle Magic: Sword of Flames].

An all-flame sword appeared in Agnus's hand and he raised the sword of fire and had no mercy and pierced his heart directly, killing Xiuhtecuhtli on the spot.

When Xiuhtecuhtli, the whole Kingdom of God began to tremble as if to break at any moment. Cracks began to appear throughout God's kingdom.

Agnus paid no attention to any of this but the red ball of light that emerged from Xiuhtecuhtli's dead body.

[Deity of Fire and Heat]

Holding the deity in his hand, Agnus walked to Xiuhtecuhtli's treasure room. He plans to steal every treasure room and leave to begin merging with the [Deity].