Prologue: The Beginning

Endless knowledge, so vast that it is impossible for mortal beings to even understand .000000001% of the knowledge that it possesses. What kind of person or being would possess this kind of understanding.....this much power? God. Many religions, worlds and dimensions refer to him in different ways from supreme being to Omamdmadaa in some religions. Some even refer to many minor & major gods as if they are the original and most powerful. Little do they know that the true original god is out there.

Few beings know that there are many gods in many dimensions but none of them are as powerful or as knowledgeable as the original who is known simply as God to the few who do know of him. The other gods and life in general in all dimensions and worlds were all created by the original.

The reason why nobody can possibly fathom and after the initial creations of gods and life in the many dimensions the true god has done very little to interfere or be involved. There is one particular dimension that interests him greatly. This dimension contains one particular little planet that is vastly different than many of the others. This planet is Earth.

After he created the universe and allowed Random chance to dictate what would happen surprisingly enough the thing with the smallest chance happened and life was made on earth different than most places. Being the all knowing and powerful true God he knew it was going to happen and exactly how, but being the all knowing and powerful God you have to get enjoyment from the things that you can.

It watched the world and life develop from single cell organisms to fully functional mammals, birds, fish and Invertebrates. The rise of homo sapiens was what was most interesting to god. From crawling out of the primordial ooze as amphibians to slowly becoming ape like beings and eventually becoming the modern humans that are alive today.

With the increase in intelligence a lot of the more simple struggles became a non priority for the homo sapiens. They went from being pack like beings in the wild, similar to the apes in the jungles of today, to developing tools more and more complex hierarchies until they developed out of this environment almost completely. Many of them built great cities, recorded the knowledge of their forefathers and spent all of their leftover time getting fatter and fatter and stagnating as a society. Sure they still had advances in science, technology, and many other fields but they started to care less and less about the more unfortunate of their inhabitants of the world and decided instead to let their greed control them.

They stopped showing the emotions and attributes that made them so fascinating and strong. Their will to help each other and band together so that even the weakest or most unfortunate of them could survive.The people at the top of Society would steal, lie and trick others for power, for knowledge for their greed. Many people in the bottom would do the same and help those at the top for their own personal gain. Instead of helping the poor who can't provide for themselves they decided to be gluttonous and eat as much as they can while many laugh and become overweight as well as lazy. They began to buy bigger homes with more amenities than they could ever use or need while others simply have no homes and are left to try and survive on the streets with no shelter or safe places. The humans kill each other for land, food, women and even fun.

On Top of all of this, humans decided to use their greed to destroy the environment, animals and the delicate Ecosystem. They began burning limited resources that result in the ozone being destroyed and manufacturing harmful chemicals and then letting them run into bodies of water subsequently destroying the natural wildlife. All of these things set off large chain reactions and sadly enough most people care little or not at all about it. Humans with their greed figure it's fine because the ones at the top are profiting and it's convenient. They care little for the people who will have to deal with their harmful choices in the years to come ...if they can even manage to survive that long.

God got disgusted by this behavior and bored of the direction that this world was going in. So as the all mighty, the supreme being, the true god, the Omamdmadaa it decided to spice things up. Even out the playing field a bit with the new system that will change things in this dimension irreversibly. Things are going to be very different. The "strong and powerful" ones that help destroy his Creation will lose a lot of what made them strong and powerful. The weak will have the chance to rise. To become incredible, to become become deities themselves if they play their cards right and possess an ungodly amount of luck.