Season 1 - Episode 8 - Making a difference

Ok, so in the past few episodes I talked about my key crushes. Today will be like an honourable mention. It's gonna get freaky. Her name will be Grace, cause I can't use any real names.

Alright, so this was in my Sophomore Year and it's spring. I remember a promise I made to a girl, well lady at this point, that I would join Tennis. I didn't do it my Freshman Year, so I might as well do it this year, because she is a Senior and this'll be her last year. So I sign up and on the first day of practice, I was late. Fifteen minutes late by the way, and I show up and we had to practice at the Elementary Gym, because there was still snow out.

So I get there and they're already running around the gym and I'm like, 'Fuck, what do I do?'. So I ask one of the players and they said just run with us, I'm like alright let's do it then. As I run with them the coach stops everyone and said, "I see we got another player here, what's your name?" and he goes to shake my hand. I'm like, 'You motha fucker.' so I shook his hand and announced my name like, 'Wassup kids, the names Macaroni'. Just as I say it, Grace walks into the gym.

Practice continues I dont know what the hell I'm doing, but I'm having a blast. I'll tell you this I was out of my element, throughout the entire Tennis season I was cussing up a storm. Imagine a kid in a strip club, cause that's how it was like, except there weren't any strippers there. Now, at the end of the 1st practice Grace pulled me aside to talk to me. "I'm actually glad you're here, cause of you weren't I wouldn't play tennis this year." That's what she told me. Now, I felt really rucking honored by this, I mean I was happy asf. A hot chick said that to me and I was like, 'This is heaven.'

As tennis goes on throughout the season. We didn't have much players, like 10 in total, but we had a big ass bus. So, whenever we went on away games I sat up front cause I wasn't close to any of the players except 2 people. Grace and a Freshman kid named Show. Ok, I'll tell you now Show was a fucking idiot, but we loved him.

So, I would want to sleep on the bus, so I would bring a blanket. Grace would sit behind me and get cold most of the time, so being the gentleman I am I gave her the blanket.

Now, some background context. Grace at the time worked the the casino and was almost late to the bus for away games. And late for practices. She also had a boyfriend that had already graduated. Now back to the story.

Okay, so she told me that she was wanting a baby. Believe me when I say this, she only told me that as far as I know. Dude I didn't know what to do after she said all that. It was awkward not gonna lie bro. I didn't care for it though, I did like her a bit, but I decided to friend zone her. I didn't want that, I mean I'd hit that but I'm not sure.

As time goes the end of my tennis season I should tell you why the title is called that. At the end of the season, at the awards Grace tells me that I was the one that made her feel safe throughout the season. That made be feel like a badass and a hero. Cause that's just, who says that alot?

Well after my Sophomore Year, 2 months later. Grace appears before me again. We talked a little and gave me her phone number. Now some of you may be thinking, 'You got something didn't you?'. I'll confirm this now

I only called her once, then ghosted. Sorry, but that baby comment made me not want to be with her.