Monday House Call

The sun creaked in through the blinds holding the window shut and fell on Hitomi's eyes. Or rather it would have if she were a calm sleeper, but she was a roller instead and had at some point in the night flipped over to sleeping on her belly. This meant that the buttery dawn light did nothing at all to rouse her except make her nuzzle even harder into the pillow.

This was the usual morning routine in that mornings and Hitomi weren't really a thing anymore. The only thing she missed from the breakup was breakfast. It just tasted better in the early hours, but that was a price she was willing to pay.

So in any other situation she probably wouldn't even have budged an inch just because of some knocks on her door. Which she didn't, at first. Someone probably had the wrong room number, she thought at first and tried to force herself back to sleep. But it came thumping again with dogged persistence. So, not a wrong address, maybe someone selling someth-


She pushed herself off the bed with all the grace of a cat that's slightly misjudged how firm a footing of table cloth can be and nearly tripped over everything, absolutely everything between her bed and the door. Oh please, please don't just leave.

"C-coming! Just a minute!" She yelled out when a third series of thumps erupted from the door. Oh thank god he was persistent. Maybe her brain hadn't fully woken up yet and that was why she never stopped to consider anything before turning the handle. How did the room look? How did… how did she look? Those thoughts almost rose fast enough to stop her before she was pulling the door open. "H-hyelloooooo" Almost.

Standing out in the hallway was Takemi, just as she had hoped and then feared. He had a wrapped up brown paper bag with him but otherwise he looked entirely normal. If a bit concerned.

"T-Takemi, hi, how's it, how's it going?" Smooth. As. Peanut butter. All she had to do now was lean against the doorframe and slowly slide down. She did not do that, but it would have completed the cringe she felt. "W-w-why are you here?"

He looked at her a bit sideways. "Uhhh, Hitomi I said I was gonna come check on you. Do you not remember last night?"

Last night? Had something happened last night? Nothing happened last night. Some sketchy App just downloaded itself to her phone, she'd thrown up and blacked out in an alley, without even having the fun of drinking, then her phone started talking to her like existing was the same as consenting. Other than that, nothing.

"L-last night? Whaaat about last night? I mean I guess I kind of fainted and that's pretty bad but I just had a, uh, a really rough day and I think I might have got a 24-hour flu or something and you know how the weekend is, I've barely gotten any sleep since Thursday and you know I think I might have eaten something that didn't agree with me and-"

"Hitomi! Could we, maybe step inside?" Takemi offered, diplomatically looking away. "It's a bit weird talking in the doorway like that, isn't it?"

Like that? Like what? Hitomi checked herself to see what he was talking about. She backed up a little upon realizing she was in her baby blue pajamas. That was one thing. But besides having a… conversation? A talk with her phone she didn't remember anything after blacking out. Takemi took her home, did he…

She closed the door just enough to hide behind it, beat red cheeks and all. "Di-did you… My clothes… Takemi I didn't think you-"

"H-hey hold up! Don't go thinking weird things about me! I just got you home and in bed! You woke up enough to put your PJs on!" Takemi hastily defended himself, grabbing the door and prying it open enough for actual eye contact.

Very close eye contact, as far as Hitomi was concerned. Oh god, did she have bed head? Did she smell? Why did she rush to the door immediately like a spaz? Why were they still standing there?! "O-okay! I believe you. C-come in please!"

He breathed a big sigh before stepping in, putting the bag he brought on a counter in what essentially served as her dining area. It wasn't a room. "So I got you some breakfast. Figured you might be hungry. It's not much, just an egg sandwich, but anything's better than nothing."

Hitomi smilled. She was definitely hungry. Checking up on her health, bringing her breakfast, buying the snacks she left. The snacks that were currently sitting on her bed table. The bed table that currently had her possessed phone in one of it's drawers. She really had to do something about that.

"So, are you feeling alright? Need to go to a doctor?" Takemi said leaning into a chair.

"Huh? Oh, no, no. I'm fine, er, well, I'm fine now. I think I just needed a lot of sleep to get over it." Hitomi thought waving her arms about would convey liveliness, but it just made her feel like a spaz. "Which I am now. Over it."

"Are you sure? You look kinda pale."

"I've always been pale!" She laughed at that awkward truth.

"No you haven't." He said it sternly enough that she almost believed him. "And even if you were, you could get paler. Well, not by a lot more than you are right now. You're sure you're alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." She assured him, but at least one thing wasn't fine. She was starving, and she couldn't help her eyes constantly skirting to that bag. That would absolutely not be enough for her right now. "Hey do you want to get pancakes?"

"Hitomi, seriously, if you're alright hell yeah I want to get pancakes." Her eyes lit up as she was ravishing the sandwich he'd brought. Literally, as an almost imperceptibly thin purple band lit up in her iris and faded away. "It's probably best to skip class today anyways."

Skip class, her classes didn't start until ten today, why would she have to skip it? The rising feeling of anxiety creeped up her neck as her eyes slowly flitted to the clock on the microwave. Nine Forty Three. Crap.