
After the night long with his disappearance, Will made sure he appeared during breakfast. But he desperately didn't want to leave bed. After his nightly shopping, Will felt his arm was intensely itching. But it wasn't too painful so he had ignored it initially since he had suffered far worse before. This however was where he was wrong.

In the middle of the night, Will had to suppress his screams of pain forcefully to avoid waking his parents, sweating and panting from the effort. It felt like small ants were biting and eating their way through his arm and into his bones. Once the pain had subsided the effects of last night were obvious for Will. His eyes had large bags underneath and his face looked sullen from a lack of sleep. His was just thankful that his suffering had ended.

Out of habit he pushed himself off his bed but realised too late he used his broken arm. Although he wouldn't feel, it was still useless if the arm was broken. Instantly retracting his arm, Will inspected the cast on his arm as he looked at it dumbfounded. 'There was no pain?' Will thought in a confused manner. 'Maybe I'm still too sleepy to notice' and shook his head. If he could not only feel little pain but heal a broken limb in less than a day, then what else could you be called other than a monster.

Leaving his room, he trotted down the stairs as his parents both looked up at the steps hearing the noise. They were both aghast as it looked like their son had gone through a sleepless night alone leaving them heart wrenched with guilt.

"Honey, have some food. I'm sure you're starving" his mother said. True to her cooking abilities cereal and milk were out on the table. Will could only smile as he sat with them 'If my own mother poured my cereal for me would it catch on fire as well?' Will almost let out a chuckle at the thought. Seeing their son's smile the parents felt a little better this morning. They both looked at each other and nodded in wordless agreement. For their precious child they would have retribution.

Will was happily munching away at the cereal before he suddenly spoke up.

"I was thinking of going out to play for a bit. I'll stay on the street. It's been boring in my room staying there" hearing this both parents felt conflicted but they were glad their energetic son wouldn't shut himself away in his room like he did for all of last night. They were still used to their joyful and happy child.

"Okay, make sure to come back this afternoon so you don't worry your mother too much" his father said giving a soft lecture. Will was simply happy he could be left to his own devices for a while. It would give him a better opportunity to strike at his new enemies.

"No worries, I'll be safe" Will was happy households were a lot more lax in the past. In the future kids were kept tightly bound to their parents in fear of strangers. Although with what he knew he was going to deal with soon, it was definitely for the best. But for now it was better he could be a lone wolf. He may look like a cub but his teeth were vicious and would easily shred flesh when he wished to bare them.

His father quickly left for work, while his mother packed up the table. Will glanced at the clock and wondered what he could to kill some hours while also investigating the principal. He preferred working at night since he would attract less attention. Soon after a bright idea came to mind.

"Okay mom, I'm off to play outside" Will shouted to the kitchen putting his biggest smile for her. Will's mother already popped her around the corner of the wall, seeing that her own child was beyond happy it took very little to soften her guard that had been raised up since yesterday.

"Okay honey, make sure to come home before dark" his mother called after Will as he walked out the door and closed it after him.

"No worries, I'll be safe" Will was happy at. In

His father quickly left for work, while his mother packed up the table inside. Will watched as his father drove his car off to work and disappear in the distance.

Seeing a few of the kids walking to school Will let out an evil smile. 'It would be good to check he wasn't rusty anymore' as he followed the kids behind and blending in with the crowd of children . Seeing them all wait at the familiar bus stop Will saw a face he could never forget. Fiona.

She was idling at the front of the bus stop. Soon the bus drove over and pulled up. The doors opening with a creak. The kids all bustled on but Fiona was the last of the students, wanting to avoid the rush of the crowd of children.

Will leapt onto the roof of the bus, on the rooftop there was a small indent that could easily hide a child if they laid flat but not so much an adult. Luckily as well he could look down at the kids below if he so wished. Hence he was staring at Fiona for the trip where the bus to and fro. He sighed to himself, even after two lifetimes he couldn't get over the same girl.

The children all chatted while Will passed the time looking over the kids, his ears listening gone the conversations they were having. Most of it was uninteresting to him as most were about homework, teachers or sports. These kind of innocent children held little interest for Will since he used to enjoy the best of gossip in his previous life. Because he was the source of them!

It was an easy job for Will while working under the Vice Chairman as recordings and cameras came in such smaller packages than the present. Watching he saw Fiona pulled out a torn piece of paper and start writing on it. Will couldn't make out the words on it but he couldn't get a grasp on the message as she started crushing it into a crinkled ball.

The strange actions had definitely piqued Will's curiosity as he watched intently at Fiona. Partly out of curiosity but also in case she happened to be handing a secret message to another kid. The thought had him riled up inside but he watched and waited. As the bus soon came to a stop the kids leapt up and rushed all at once. Surprisingly Fiona joined them. If it wasn't him no one would have noticed that she dumped the scrunched up ball of paper as it landed in the lap of the bus driver. As the kids all came out, the bus driver found the ball of paper in his lap. Unscrunching it, Will watched as the man read the note. The driver's eyes widened and threw the piece to the ground in fury and panted in rage. At this time his eyes flashed past where Will was hidden, causing Will to frown. They were hate filled and crazy. Looking over the man, he tried to figure out what could send him to this state. He froze as he focused on the name tag the man attached. 


Will had begun connecting some dots from what he could remember over the last few days and left him incredibly furious. It wasn't hard to guess what those three were up to. As a man he had little patience as it was but thinking that the three involved were disgusting people. It made him recall Fiona's face and how they had met up once again despite all the things that should have never happened. In this life he wouldn't let her go for anybody again.

Sean alighted from the bus and relaxed a little from his earlier episode. Taking a cigarette he tried to light with the matches he had in pocket but it wouldn't catch. After a few tries he lit the end of the cigarette and gave a satisfied blow of smoke from his lungs. And that's when he felt a heavy hand hit the back of his head, his vision fading as he collapsed on the ground.