Why Get the Police Involved?

Fiona was enjoying her school day. After the extreme happening yesterday the regular teacher they had was put on leave and a substitute came for the meantime. Which meant that they almost had free reign. Fiona scoffed at the other kids as she flipped through her textbooks. Her parents had long commented she was so smart for her age. For her now it was easy to skip a grade but that wasn't what was most important for her but counting the days to three years was tiring to her, especially pretending to be a kid. She had long noticed the strange looks the driver had given her over the last couple of weeks. So she had resorted to scaring him with some of her gimmicks. It was still quite childish but it felt satisfying she could get back at the creep.

A knock on the door caught the attention of the students that were messing around a little.

"Is Fiona here?" A voice called out. It was the assistant for the principal.

"Here" Fiona responded and stood up from her desk. The assistant waved her over into the corridor as the students watched on seeing the door closed behind the two.

"The principal asked me to take you to the office"

"Do you know what it was about?" Fiona asked in confusion. She couldn't remember grabbing the attention of the principal before.

"I'm not too sure but from what I know it's not a bad thing" the assistant said with a smile. Fiona nodded, as long as there was no trouble it would be fine as she followed the assistant to the principal's office. Opening the door, the assistant gestured for her to enter and closed the door behind her. Fiona could see the principal writing on a few documents. Glancing up he let out a grin that made Fiona stiffen. She was familiar with it as she had stares from plenty of men once. It made her feel sicken seeing it come from this old man.

"Take a seat Fiona, I'll be with you in a moment." He said as he tidied up his desk and signed a few more papers before he turned his attention to her.

 Fiona sat in one of the two seats directly opposite the principal.

"So what did the principal need from me?" Fiona asked.

"Well, it certainly cuts to the point" the principal gave her a smile. It sent shivers down Fiona's back and resisted the urge to slap his face.

"Well it's like this Miss Fiona. We have a group of children that we'll be sending away on a trip by the end of today. We've already gotten permission from the parents. And we'd like you to lead the group of children. We've actually kept an eye on you and have been very happy with the results" the principal's words easily soothed Fiona's worries and stroked her ego.

Holding up her chin in a proud manner, Fiona couldn't suppress her smile.

"Of course, I will do my best to make sure that the children are behaved while representing the school." her voice filled with confidence.

"Excellent. If it's in your hands I know that the kids will be taken care of. Stay at the front gates after school and the bus will pick you and the kids up" the principal smiled while letting out the words. Fiona missed the cold gaze he sent at her but it was easily covered up.

"No worries, I'll see the kids later tonight" Fiona gave a short smile at the principal and left the office. As soon as the door closed the principal dropped his smiling facade. The assistant had already entered again after Fiona left.

"Do you think she'll notice?" The assistant asked. The principal let out a scoff and waved his hand.

"She's just a child, you saw how easy it was to keep her happy"

"Will there be more than one for this delivery?" The assistant asked. With how the principal acted it was hard to tell which were the lies and which were the truths.

"Too much risk. We can't pass it off as a kidnapping if a bunch got caught. Plus the attention would be to heavy on us"

"Do we need a driver?"

At this the principal glowed red like a tomato in anger.

"That bastard is too lazy, disappearing while knowing that we had a pick up for tonight" the principal iterated. "Why would I take such a chance and ask for an extra driver. The more people involved the higher the chance of getting caught or someone spilling the beans"

The assistant could only nod at the principal's words. It was part of his frustrations that he couldn't be there earning the big money. But it came with extra danger if he stood in the target field.

"Send a message out and let them know an item will be at the arranged place" the principal instructed and the assistant gave his confirmation. After closing the door the assistant dropped his own submissive gesture.

Pulling out a slim and thin phone he dialled a few numbers and a dial tone ended as the phone was picked up.

"Confirming that the big catfish is ready to act, follow the delivery and jump him after." The other end of the phone was silent which caused the assistant to sweat.

"Just make sure you get me my money" the assistant huffed and hung up. It stressed him to no ends dealing with the other. If it wasn't for riches he would stay as far away from the venomous character. The assistant let out a sigh and disappeared from the office area.

It wasn't too much later that it was afternoon and the children were already leaving with the final bell. Fiona was standing outside the school gates as the children were wandering off. Apparently the bus driver was sick and couldn't pick the kids up so the parents had come by in the afternoon rush and took the kids away in their cars.

Fiona was left standing alone at the gates which gave a moment of puzzlement. Glancing around she was looking for the group of children that were supposed to be with her. It gave an intense feeling of foreboding as the school was way too quiet. She couldn't see a single teacher or other person in sight. It was in this moment of looking around a hand wrapped in cloth clamped on her mouth. Of course her first reaction was to struggle and stamp on the person's foot. Letting out a Yelp the hands let go as Fiona tried to run. But the effects from the doused cloth were already taken effect. Fiona felt dizzy and could barely keep herself standing. Suddenly she was whisked away and tossed into the back of a black car.

"Fucking kid, if they behaved a little more I wouldn't have to rough our product up as much. Tsk" the man knew he would definitely get a lesser cut tonight. In his anger he floored the car and disappeared from the street.


Will was walking back to school with the metal pipe in hand as he let it knock against the occasional fence. For others it looked like Will was well on his way to being a delinquent. But if they knew Will they would shudder that he could be childish at all.

He was feeling happy having relieved his anger and boredom from before. As such he wanted to go back to the school. The factory warehouse he had left the driver at was far enough it took a decent time to walk back. He could get back as fast as a car he found out when he kidnapped the man but it was too attention grabbing. So he kept a brisk pace.

Ending up at the entrance of the school Will noticed there was a woman worried and pacing back and forth. Seeing her he felt that she was incredibly familiar. Ah!

It was Fiona's mum. The woman noticing Will approach rushed to him in desperation. Will frowned as she clasped his free hand as the other still in a cast.

"Will, Will. I'm so glad I found someone" the woman said relaxing a little.

"Fiona mum, what's wrong? Did something happen?" Will asked. He felt a tight hold in his heart but he couldn't understand his worry. Something felt off.

"It's Fiona, she was supposed to come back home by now but the bus never turned up. And now I was told the parents were supposed to pick them up but I can't find her" the woman's eyes were already beginning bro fill with tears as her grip tightened on Will's hand. Will was shocked to say the least. If it was any other child their hand would have surely been crushed much like a can. However her words kept him focused.

"Fiona mum, how long has it been since she disappeared?"

"About two hours" she replied, her tone heavy with worry. Will was silent as he obviously thinking. Fiona mother was fraught with worry.

"I think I where she may be…" Will answered and his mother let out a sigh of relief. His next words however froze her heart solid.

"In an hour's time I need you to call the police for this address" Will said handing a piece of paper over to the woman. Biting her lip she held the paper tight as it if was her child itself.

"Why this address?" She asked. Will shook his head.

"There's a couple places she may go to before so I want to check them out. If after an hour I can't find her please call the police" Will informed her. Although he lies through his teeth since he already knew where she was probably. It was definitely a pain to explain this to a normal functioning adult. Fiona's mother however believed him and was nodding her head furiously.

"Okay, do you remember where our is?" She asked. Will have a nod and the woman relaxed.

"I'll bring out her home, don't worry about that" Will said reassured and left the woman at the gate. It was just in time as well as Will could barely keep his temper under control. He had the intense need to break skulls and chop limbs. If an adult saw a child like this they would certainly be terrified and run. Soon Will made his way to do a daring 'rescue'. Smiling at the thought he had better word to make sure he could vent. Massacre.