Detective Lim

At the Hotel in The Cross

Detective Lim was crouched over looking at the crazed blood splatter on the floor and headless corpse in the middle of the room. He had just finished talking with the receptionist who was the most suspicious person as he was with the person when he died but it was hard to get information out of him. He was already on his hands and knees blubbering away saying he didn't do it and he never wanted to go near children ever again. It truly left a lot of the officers involved baffled and confused. It was definitely a case of someone going mad the officers thought to themselves but they took down their notes as they interviewed him several times to see if his story changed.

Though the most disturbing part was where did the head go? That puzzled the detectives the most since if it was just a case of going mad, stabbing and shooting would be easy to corroborate with that but decapitation was a new one to him. Detective Lim was closely looking at the neck stump and taking a picture with his trusty SLR. The click and shudder of the camera gave him a satisfying feeling of freezing the scene for eternity. Evidence could disappear or degrade over time but a photo was timeless and infinitely precious to a case. Detective Lim stared intently at the wound, it didn't seem to be done by blade or a blunt object. In fact the neck seem to be torn with great force, it was almost like he could imagine someone ripped the head off its body with their bare hands. The very thought was terrifying to him but it didn't shake him, in fact it only made it more fascinating and walked around the scene staring intently at the carpet for any clues that he might have missed on his first sweep through..

As Detective Lim was closely inspecting the area around the busy he could hear a number of loud voices outside of the hotel room door. It seemed to be on the brink of an argument.

"This is a crime scene, civilians cannot enter" a policeman spoke up as he blocked the doorway,l with his body, keeping the visitor out of Detective Lim's sight. 'If they were truly a civilian they wouldn't have been able to enter the building at all' Detective Lim thought to himself, and so he abandoned obsessing over the body to take a look. What he saw was a young teenager with slicked back black hair in a tidy suit. If he didn't already know the person he would guess he was a young rich boy, but that thought would be off from the truth that people would wonder what's the difference.

"Master Rob, what brings you to my place of work?" Detective Lim said cheerfully as he approached the policeman blocking the doorway. He tapped the officer on his shoulder and gave a nod with his head for the officer to leave. The officer knowing the drill declared aloud he would be taking a cigarette break for a while and left the crime scene. Of course Detective Lim wouldn't let the young man in the crime scene, he hated when someone contaminated a masterpiece he had yet to digest and figure out its inner intricacies.

"Detective Lim it's good to see you again" Rob said in a curt manner. Detective Lim looked around the corridor outside of the room to see if the young man had another shadow hanging around him.

"Where's John?" Detective Lim asked as he was used to the old hound chasing after the younger pup who was always determined to cause trouble on behalf of their master.

"He's outside, I didn't want to interfere too blatantly with the investigation. We just wanted an update on the situation. Master Cho has always been nosy when it comes to these kind of situations." Rob said although there was a tone of pride in his voice. Detective Lim could only smile at that, truly a good follower that was loyal even towards his master's weirder sides. But even he wouldn't be a fool to think that Master Cho was that much of a saint.

"Ahaha that won't be too hard but I have to say this one certainly has me interested" Detective Lim said as he was beaming at the thought of solving such a puzzling case.

"Oh? Do tell" Rob said, he knew what the detective was like. He had been family friends with Master Cho's family for a long time, going back to the days of their parents. And so they knew each other's eccentricities well.

"Well aside from the usual problem we have in these cheaper hotels. They have no cameras. Although it makes it difficult it's not unexpected" Detective Lim said with a lament in his tone and could only shrug at the lack of evidence. One day perhaps it would be an everyday thing but cameras being around were too expensive for cheaper places like here. Although he liked a challenge when it came to his work, but when he was hit with a wall to climb over first it became more frustration than tortured joy.

"Strange, you'd think even with criminals they'd keep something like that for blackmail" Rob commented in a confused tone. He was sure criminals were more than happy to stab each other in the back when given an opportunity.

"Though that would be true normally, a lot of the people here aren't exactly your law abiding citizen. They would go out of their way to find places that don't have a surveillance system. And worse yet if they did find out, they would happily burn the place down to keep themselves hidden from yours truly" Detective Lim exaggerated his tone and Rob could only smile at his puffed up pride.

"Then it's a dead end, I'll report back and leave this to the experts" Rob said shaking his head disappointed at leaving empty handed. If anything he was glad that he and Master Cho wouldn't be involved in danger. It took everything to stop him from being personally involved with the previous case Rob dealt with especially with the aftermath, Rob had spent a good number of hours at being yelled because of the tesult.. The boy was so adamant to be a rich man's hero it was scary, he could only hope that Master Cho would grow out of this stage soon. Maybe puberty would hit soon for him and he'd focus on girls and average teenager things than being a shadow support for the police.

"Oh, no worries. I have a few things to work on before the report will be filed." Detective Lim indicating the conversation was finished immediately went back to observing the body and mumbling to himself as he voiced his thoughts under his breath. Rob could only disappear from the crime scene at being ignored and made his way downstairs to the front entrance. Outside the entrance that was surrounded by police, an old man was smoking a lit cigarette with its fiery red tip a heavy contrast with the dark and cold night that settled in. The atmosphere felt heavy as even the usually populated and lively scenes on the Cross were subdued under the weird feeling the night gave. Seeing Rob walking out of the seedy hotel the old man dropped the cigarette on the ground, crushing the last ember out with his foot 

"Master Rob" John said as he almost instinctually stood to attention. He had noticed over the last couple of days that the changes Master Rob had shown were important somewhat but he couldn't put his finger on it. To say he matured all of a sudden was definitely an oversimplification of that.

"John, time to go home" Rob said with an unhappy tone. It was obvious he wasn't satisfied with the results.

"No leads this time?" John asked. Ever since the young man dealt with the child trafficking case Master Rob became slightly interested or a better word to describe it would be obsessed. It was akin to finding a treasure but unable to grasp it. John felt he could only hope it would work for the better.

"Nothing but I did find a breadcrumb" Rob said taking at least a small win from the strange things he had seen recently. Brutal definitely could describe what he saw recently, but that fear gave way to a need to own. He had a feeling this mysterious person or child was behind this next case as it wasn't everyday you would see such brutal and bloodthirsty methods. From what he had seen the child was untamed and wild but if it could be trained to be obedient it meant that the thing could be of use. And then he would receive praise from Master Cho again. The potential reward from his master made him ecstatic.

"We'll head out, best not to disturb Lim during his worktime. I haven't seen him this interested in a case before" Rob said. John nodded in agreement as they went back to the black car parked outside of the hotel, driving out of sight of the building.

Back inside Detective L was inspecting a strange footprint on the door. The size was quite small, and he had double checked with the other shoes he could see but they were all too massive for this print. What interested him the most was that the kick had left a large sent on the solid wood door

Grinning he lifted his camera and took a photo, the shudder and click was filled with an energy.

"I've caught you now little one" Detective murmured and chuckled to himself.