Master Cho

It was quiet, alone in his study room. It was a strange sight seeing a young child sitting in a grand leather chair, a walnut wooden desk in front of him with a number of files and odd papers here and there. The room was quite plain, decorated with bookshelves and books to fill them. Some decorations were quite plain. Though there wasn't an electronic device to be seen. No radio or TV to entertain the child, or even toys. Just paperwork.

The child had a distinct set of black hair cut short and fuzzy and despite being a local family he was oriental much like his mother and very unlike his father. Wearing a small pants and well pressed shirt he looked every bit like a young master. He rubbed his sore eyes to ease the pain from staring to long at his desk, although he was a child he was still a certified genius. His family knew and everyone that had ever met him found it quickly. Don't be filled by the exterior as his inner was more like an adult. But it wasn't something he was happy about. Being treated as an adult meant he couldn't talk to his parents, seeing he was so mature they didn't need to worry about him, leaving him to his own devices. Children like him were rare and he couldn't get along with kids preoccupied with trying to do multiplication tables. But it was still painful as it came with many more burdens than benefits. 

And so in order to take advantage of his smarts, the family had already put work pressures on him. Although it wasn't serious parts of the business, the continued success meant people were more likely to give him work. Success breeds success after all.

With the stresses piling up in his life, his only escape was more work. But it was something he could choose and so he continued keeping his nose to the paper and scribbling away as he had to solve yet. By his side a slick looking teenager was standing at attention waiting to be called on. The young boy turned to the teenager as he was finally sick of doing work.

"How goes the investigations?" the boy asked as he was already bored, although he was smart he was still just a boy. In fact, it was oddly quiet with only a few sounds being heard outside, hence leading him to his current boredom. 

"Master Cho, currently we have been assisting the police and have successfully crushed a child trafficking ring and keeping an eye out on major players in the underground turf wars" the teenager responded in a polite and respectful tone towards the young boy. But the boy didn't seem happy at all. Although everything finished and he should be happy about it he was still jarred.

"Did you find out who got to the hideout before we did?" Master Cho asked as he lost any sense of joy from listening to the news and how they were trying to do right. His slight failure with the gang that had been destroyed was irksome to say the least. Although the job was done it was so far beyond any calls of justice. It was a massacre from what he heard and it didn't sit right with him. 

Although he could handle adult matters, dealing with death was still a terrifying thing to him, he chided many people about having courage when facing danger but the sheer amount of bodies left him feeling cold. It was so far removed than what he got to watch on the television when he had the chance. A lot of early detective shows would be on and he'd slip out of his room in the early morning to avoid his parents catching watching these shows. He wanted to be just like those detectives and be a hero to others and prevail over those who were operating in the dark. Justice should always prevail. Well that's what he thought untio now.

"No Master Cho, we did receive a picture but we have no way to identify them" the teenager indicated at the pile of folders and papers jumbled on the desk. Master Cho moved them around until he found one that was tagged appropriately. Flipping open the file the first thing he saw was an A4 size photo. Although the photo was blurred the picture was still discernible. It disturbed him greatly seeing the look of glee as a youngster threw himself forward as if in the midst of a battle. Hands and body bloodied from his actions with a metal pipe held deftly in his hands. And the boy didn't look any different in age then himself.

"Have you found any affiliations?" Master Cho, giving the photo a tap with his finger. Although this person ruined his plan and sending everything askew it was only the methods that he couldn't agree with. A guilty person should suffer for their crimes.

"None so far. It seems like this person disappeared just as he made himself known" the teenager said disapprovingly. Master Cho could easily tell this left the young man agitated but he wasn't sure why. But if it meant that he was interested Master Cho was happy to let him off the leash to go after this kid.

"Keep an ear to the ground. If we find him then who knows. All I can hope is that when we do corner this person he won't act like an animal. The damage would be unbearable" Master Cho elaborated and shook his head, almost seeing the potential danger as if he was right there. If anything, if something went wrong while he was directly involved it was beyond detrimental for his reputation and trust people had in him, especially since he was so young as is.

"It will be done as you say Master Cho" the teenager gave a perfunctory bow. But Master Cho hesitated, looking over his assistant that had been with him since he could remember.

"Robert...I wish we could call each other by our names properly" Master Cho said with a sigh. But the teenager just shook his head.

"I cannot do that Master Cho. Your parents brought me up to be there at your side." Robert voiced his complaint. And that was what troubles Master Cho the most, although he could tell people what to do he couldn't force them to be rid of their free will and follow him without all the need to be subservient to him. Which was especially annoying when it came to trying to befriend any of the servants or other works in the household. It left him feeling truly alone in a household full of people.

"Hey Robert, think we can sneak to see another episode of that show again?" Master Cho said with a smile. Robert had a broad grin back at enjoying time together with Master Cho.

"It as you say Master Cho"