Chapter 4

Nax is snap out of her reading trance by a loud crash snaps the, coming from above her. Her neighbors upstairs, Screaming, follows immediately after the crashing noise.

The Awoken glances to the end table, hearing Beeze booting for the day.

She informs him, "It's the neighbors upstairs again. They've been noisy since they brought in a new hunter to their fire team."

The teal ghost stares at the ceiling as another crash happens, follow by muffle voices. Beeze turns to his guardians and notices she is still in the same spot on the couch from the night before. A quick scan around the room informs Beeze that the only thing that changes is the amount of Cola cans on the coffee table; they grew to considerable numbers overnight.

"You didn't sleep, again did you?"

      Closing her book, the Awoken woman shakes her head. "I wasn't tired; besides, it's your fault," informs Nax as she stands and heads to the bathroom.

Looking up from the coffee table, Beeze floats to the bathroom.

"Wait, my fault?" He stops in front of the closed bathroom door. "How on earth is it my fault you didn't sleep?"

      "Because I stayed up reading the book you picked out for me," muffles Nax from behind the door.

The ghost sighs in frustration, "You know, they invented this amazing thing to help you keep your place in the book. Do you know what it is called? It's called a bookmark!"

   The door silently opens to Nax dress in a large white fluffy towel. She gives him a look before turning to the white marble sink to brush her teeth. "I didn't need a break. As I said, I wasn't tired."

Turning the nobs of the shower on, the Awoken female lets it run. Using her hand, she tests the water temperature. Please, she hangs her towel up, scars littering her back and legs that her ghost could not completely heal. Jumping into the raining shower, the woman sighs in content as the warm water eases her stiff muscles.

"Also, the book was excellent. Who knew a book about element bending would be so interesting."

"So, I'm guessing you finish it," asks Beeze as he enters the bathroom. He notices a mess on the white counter, around the sink: toothpaste lying open next to a purple toothbrush. There are a few hair ties and a brush full of blue hair.

Turning his optic, Beeze spots a pile of clothes sitting on top of the toilet seat. He floats over to them and takes them to the laundry chute. Once done there, he returns to the sink to see what he can do with the mess.

"You, I am not your maid. One of these days, you will have to clean up after yourself. I mean, the least you can do is put your clothes in the laundry chute. It's right beside the shower."

"Yeah, yeah. I know, I…" She pauses as a thought crosses her mind. "Wait, did you take the clothes that were on the toilet?"

"You mean the pile of clothes? Yes. I put them in the laundry chute."

"Beeze!" Her groans echo in the small tiled room. "Those were clean clothes!"

"How am I supposed to know? You leave your clothes lying around this place. If I were not on you to keep this place clean, it would look like a pigsty!" Argues Beeze back.

Knowing he is right, Nax does not argue back. Instead, she starts washing her hair, massaging the shampoo into her scalp to avoid another argument.

"I swear, sometimes you—" Beeze is interrupted by a notification from a message that has just come in. He informs his guardian, "Oh, it looks like Amanda sent you a message."

After rinsing the shampoo from her hair, the warlock blindly gropes for the conditioner bottle. "Beeze, can you play it, please?"

The mechanic's voice begins to play in the hot room. "Hey, guardian. I want to cash in that favor. Meet me at the hanger when you can. I'll be there all day, so no rush." The message ends at the same time as Nax turns the shower off.

"Welp." Opening the shower door a bit, Nax grabs the towel. "I should get ready then. No point in keeping her waiting."

Exiting the shower, the towel wrap around herself; she makes sure the top part of the towel is tucked in. "Could you please message her; tell her I'm on my way?" asks the woman as she grabs another towel to dry her hair.

"I figured you wanted to do it ASAP, so I already messaged her that you are. While you get ready, want me to get you another set of clothes?"

The blue Awoken woman shakes her head, "No, that's all right. I will get them. Last time you did it, you forgot the underwear. She brushes and braids her blue hair. Please with the hairstyle, she examines her face, noticing the dark bags under her eyes. She sighs, "Ikora isn't going to be happy seeing these."

"Well, if you slept like you are supposed to, then you wouldn't have to worry about those bags," begins Beeze.

"Save it, Beeze," States the woman. She walks past him and opens the three-shelf closet. On the top shelf are two stacks of fluffy white towels. Next to them are matching hand towels. The second shelf has one neatly folded clothes, the bottom shelf holding her under armor for battle.

"Hmm… I think I'm in the mood for a different role today," Announces the warlock to Beeze. She pulls the last pile of clothes from the second shelf and begins to dress.

Noticing the scars, Beeze waits for her head to pop out of the shirt to ask, "How are your scars doing, Nax?"

"That's random, but they're doing fine."

"I'm just asking because last week you said some of them were hurting. One of my updates is the new medical journal. They sometimes said scar tissues could cause discomfort and muscle damage as well."

Finished getting dressed, she turns to her worried ghost. She gives Beeze a reassuring, warm smile, "I'm fine, Beeze; don't worry, okay?"

The ghost eases a bit, knowing that she would not make him worry despite his guardian being careless. Examining her clothes, he realizes something off about them. "Are those Evie's clothes?"

"Yup," exclaims Nax happily as she checks herself out in the full-length mirror. "These are her old ones that were damaged. I took out the armor plates and sewed any holes up. They are useless for her but great for me to wear when I do errands. What do you think?" She spins around, showing Evie's old clothes off.

"I think Evie isn't going to be happy about her clothes getting stolen again."

The blue awoken shrugs and heads out, "She's not going to notice unless someone tells her."

"I'm your ghost. I don't need another death wish," Informs the teal ghost to Nax as they both exit the apartment.     


"Cayde, are you busy?" Calls Ikora from across the table.

The exo lifts his head from his map to his teammate. "No, not as much as you are. What's up?"     

"As you can see, I'm a bit busy. I was wondering if you can head into the city and pick up something for me."      

"Yeah?" His interest and excitement at the thought of leaving the tower. "What is it?"     

"A book. I have received word that it arrived at the store, but as you can see, I am unable to go and retrieve it." She tells him right as a Warlock comes up to her to give their report.     

Cayde knows how swamp she has been since she arrived in the hall this morning; none stop reports. But just doing an errand sounds more like a rookie job. "Ikora you know I would love to get out of this tower but—"     

"You offered to help me yesterday. I can see you are not busy. It's only a small errand, should not take you more than an hour to complete it," States the warlock.

With no way out of it, Cayde sighs and holds out his hand, "Give me the address."

Smiling, Ikora pulls out a piece of scrap paper and writes the address down. "Thank you, Cayde; I can always count on you."

Taking the slip of paper form her, the exo nods. "Yeah, yeah. I'll be back in an hour," Calls Cayde over his shoulder as he ascends the stairs.

Standing outside the elevator, the hunter takes the time to look at the address. He talks to himself, "Looks like I will have to take the train out to the city's outskirts to this shop."

A bell sounds the arrival of the elevator. Stepping into the elevator with a few other guardians, he looks at the buttons to find the ground floor one but sees that it has already been press. Cayde enjoys the conversation and picks up some of the conversations: some are talking about places they have been to and places they want or should go to on their R&R. There are discussions of missions they have been on and heading out on to. Conversations like these remind Cayde of the good old days.

A light ding announces the arrival at ground level, doors sliding open to allow everyone out into the lobby. The lobby is an open-air floor with white marble with gold veins running through each slab. A few benches line the lobby's side for sitting on while a holo Tv shows the news and messages for every passing person.

Walking to the back of the tower where the train station is, he takes note of the crowd already waiting. Scanning the sea of people, his electrifying blue optics land on a familiar warlock. Is she dressed up as a hunter? Intrigued, he weaves through the crowd towards the woman, careful not to let her see him. It is not hard for him considering her nose is in a book.

"Well, isn't it the Warlock mechanic," Greets Cayde from behind the woman.

Nax spins around too quickly, catching her left foot on her right ankle. A look of surprise is painted on her face as she stumbles back toward the tracks.

Mirroring her shock, Cayde reaches out, grabbing her wrist to stop her from falling.

"Sorry! Sorry!" The exo apologizes as he pulls Nax back on her feet; Cayde quickly explains, letting go of her hand and picking up her book, "I was just getting back at you from laughing at me yesterday."

"I'm okay." Nax smiles and accepts the book back, "What are you doing up so early? I thought the hunter slept until noon."  

"Yeah, they aren't Vanguard, so I have to be up pretty early." He sighs, "Speaking of hunters," Cayde looks her overtaking in the hunter armor, but noticing the protective lining is gone, "Why are you wearing a hunter armor? Are you thinking about switching sides?" The exo teasing.

The warlock shakes her head, placing the book in her bag. "No, I had an outfit picked out but somebody, not going to name who, mistook them to be dirty, so this is the only outfit I have that's clean. Besides where I am going, being a hunter will be easier than being seen as a warlock over there."

"Oh? You're on an errand for Amanda?" He asks head cocked a bit. "How about we make a deal."

"A deal?" Her interest perks up as she looks at Cayde, holding a piece of paper in his hand.  

"Yes, a deal, I'll help you do your errand, and you help me do mine," Suggests Cayde to her with a smile.

"How is that a deal?" She asks a bit disappointed   

"Oh, come on, it will be a lot more fun than doing it on your own. Besides, I know the parts owner, I can give you a great deal." The hunter puts his hands together, pleading to the warlock.    

The blue woman watches him begging as she notices people staring and whispering. Sighing, she gives in, "Alright fine. I'll help you."

He beams with a silly grin on his face, "Great!" Cayde places an arm around her shoulder just as the train comes to a stop, the door opening.


They arrive at the last stop, exiting as the doors open. The neighborhood on the outskirts of the city Located to the right against the wall. The houses and shops are a bit shabby, run-down.

The hunter let out a long whistle. "It's been a long time since I last been here."    

"Yeah, time flies being trapped in the tower," Nax says as she takes in the surroundings. "Look like they didn't repair the wall yet."    

"The wall? What's wrong with it?"   

"See that part above the Ramen shop?"   

Cayde looks where she is pointing, finding a piece of the wall broken off. "What the hell? When did that happen?" He moves a bit closer to try to get a better view. Since it is at the top of the wall, he cannot see much.    

"It happened a few months ago," She informs him climbing down the stairs, starting to walk down the dirt road. "Come on, the train took longer than I thought today, and we are burning daylight."    

Turning around, Cayde walks fast to catch up with her, "Wait a minute. How did you know about this?"  

"Evie and I were sent here to get a report about fallen that got behind the wall. By the time we got here, the people had already handled them. We put in a request to have the wall repairs, but it looks like they didn't get to it."   

"I'll look into it," Assures the hunter.   

"You don't need to tell me. I do not live here. Let us go ahead and get your book first as the place is closer to the train station. The shopkeeper likes to close at dusk."

"Yeah, that sounds good," He tells her in an absent-minded tone looking at the damage spots. The thought of how close the fallen got this close made him unsettling before he catches up with the blue warlock, he turns to his ghost. "Ace, take a picture of it and send it to Zavala."  

For twenty minutes, Cayde follows Nax down the dirt road and past the small market next to the train. The citizens would trade their rations for goods and services. The warlock made a sharp right and went up another road going past a shop selling baked goods, making her stomach growls before Cayde could say anything they arrive at the bookstore.

The store is small on the ground floor, books cramming every available space. Walking through the narrow walkway to the back of the story, they find a little old lady sitting behind a counter littered with more books. Hearing the set of footsteps, the woman looks up with a warm smile.

"Welcome! Welcome!" Greets the elderly lady chipperly, "How can I help you today?"

Nax did not say anything, waiting for Cayde to say something. When he did not say anything, she turns and stares at him. She finds the Hunter Vanguard staring around the crowded room in awe, no doubt wondering how so many books can fit. Thus, the warlock nudges him to get his attention.

"Huh?" His blue optics turn to Nax, confuse until he realizes why she elbows him. "Oh! Yes! Sorry miss, I'm here to pick up a book for Ikora." Cayde steps closer to the desk and shows the tiny woman the slip of paper.

Leaning over the counter, the elderly lady pulls out a pair of glasses and puts them on. She reads the paper, "Ah, yes, that one.

Jumping down from her bar stool, she enters through a small doorway behind the counter. As she looks for the order, her voice drifts out from the room. "It took a long time to find it, but" she returns with a small brown box, a brown string tied around it. "One of your guardians, dressed just like you, we're able to find it for me."

Picking up the package from the counter, Cayde smiles, "Thanks, I know Ikora appreciates it."

"Tell her she is welcome to order anytime as long as she sends a handsome exo to pick it up," Informs the bookkeeper with a wink.

Nax quickly turns, trying to hide her giggling while the hunter stumbles, surprised by the elderly's flirting.

Nax quickly turns away, hiding her suppress laughing. If Cayde could blush, he would be beet red. "Um, t-t-thank you?" The orange light at the back of his throat lights up as he clears it, "I, umm, need…" He looks toward the warlock for help only to find she is a giggling mess. An idea strikes him and grabs Nax by her shoulders. He moves her in front of him, between him and the store owner, "I need to take this hunter to a shop, you know.

Nax tries not to trip as she allows the exo to lead her out of the store and back onto the street. Once on the road, Cayde stops pushing her and begins walking in front of her,

"Thanks for the help," thanks to the exo grumpily.

Giggling, Nax apologizes, "I'm sorry, but she's harmless. She likes to tease the newbies that come to her shop."  

Handing the box to his ghost, Cayde begins to complain, "I wish you would have warned me about her."

"I was, but then I figure this could be payback for scaring me at the station," States the warlock. Nax takes the lead to the part store, hands behind her back.

Realizing they would continue to get back at one another, Cayde suggests a truce, "Let's agree not to prank each other while we're out, agreed?"

Nax shrugs her shoulders, "Agree. Let us head to the part shop before it gets too late."

As they walk, they pass a stand selling steam buns. The smell is intoxicating, causing Nax's stomach to rumble, a reminder of not eating.

The hunter, though, hearing her stomach roar, says nothing as he walks up to the stand and orders some buns. After he paid for them, he hands one to a confused warlock as he begins to eat his. "It would be bad on my side if you pass out from hunger. People will think we're starving you."

Deciding to accept the food, she takes a big bite out of one. With her mouth full, she mumbles, "Thank you."

"No problem. So, when was the last time you ate?

Inhaling the bun, Nax chews the last few bites of her bun as she claps her hands together, removal them of the access crumbs. "I don't remember. I either forget to eat, or I don't feel hungry."

Intrigued, Cayde begins to ask, "Uh, that's odd. I thought you were one of those emo guardians. You know, 'Oh! Woe is me! I am so depressed!'" He cries the last part out dramatically while placing the back of his hand on his forehead leaning back a bit.

Hearing a stifled giggle, the hunter straightens up and looks at her. Seeing her covering her mouth and looking away, he thought she's embarrassed, but watching her shoulders shaking tell him otherwise. "Or are you one of those, 'I've done so much wrong, I need to punish myself!'" cries out the Exo, making the motion of plunging a dagger into his gut.

Nax smiles. She explains, "I don't think I'm those emo people with a shake of her head. For me, I do not know really, as I keep 'reviving.' Each revives a reset for the body, like when the Exo's get rebooted, but instead of losing my memories, it just repairs my damaged body and resets any internal issues. For example, fatigue, hunger, etc. Though my body shows I need food and sleep, I just don't feel it."

"Yup, you're a warlock, all right. Just try to eat occasionally," Suggests the Hunter. Nax's ghost hums in agreement getting a glare by her.

Nax nods, "I'll try my best." She is not thrilled to have someone telling her what to do.

Arriving at the parts shop, they find it set up in an old gas station. The fuel pumps were gone years ago. A few cars are scattered around, some already taken apart while others are rusting on yellow grass.

"Now Nax, this guy is pretty sneaky with selling his parts. Let me do all the talking," directs Cayde, an air of confidence with his chin tilting up.

Nax would stare at the Hunter oozing confidence from his pores if he had pores. She fights the urge to remind him of what happened with Red. Giving in, she hands him the slip that Amanda gave her earlier, "Alright. I'll let you take the lead on this one."

Taking it, Cayde's optics beam with excitement. "Alright, watch, and learn." He tells her, walking through the shatter glass door, which still gives a cheerful ding. "Hey, Fin! How's it going?"

A young human looks up from working on an engine that is sitting on a work desk. His face is cover in grease oil. The floor is so dirty that it is hard to see the original marble tile floor. There are three rows laid out, all overflowing with miscellaneous parts. The man peers across the dimly lit room, "Cayde?"

"The one and only. How have you been?" Asks Cayde, approaching the counter.

The man walks around the counter and embraces the hunter in a hug. "I'm doing well. I'm surprised they let you out of the tower."

As they pull from the embrace, the man steps back and looks over his friend's shoulder. He notices the Awoken woman standing next to him. "Who's this? Are you training newcomers now?

"Nice to meet you. I'm Nax," Greets the woman warmly.

"Nax?" The man thinks about it, "How do I know that name."

Like a lightbulb turning on, the man realizes where he heard the name from; he steps back from her startled, "Holy crap! The Feral Warlock!" He turns to the Hunter Vanguard, his eyes wide in panic, "Are you crazy? Why are you spending time together with her?

Cayde looks surprised. Before he can say anything, Nax gives a long, tired sigh. She mumbles, "I'm not 'feral' all the time, only around Fallen. Cayde, I'm going to wait outside."

Cayde does not get a chance to reply, only watches her leave. The exo notice the bounce in her step from before is now gone. Snapping towards the merchant, he exclaims, "What the hell, man?! That wasn't cool!"

"Don't tell me you haven't heard about her?" Seeing Cayde shakes his head, Fin sighs. "That warlock has issues, man. I say cut your losses while you can."  

"Why is that?" 

"Because she's a dangerous man. She is out for Fallen blood. I heard every time there is a mission, she puts her whole fireteam in danger. Rumors say she's been through five teams."

"Five? You must be joking. If it has been five, I would have heard of it," states Cayde to Fin with a little chuckle.  

The mechanic shrugs his shoulder, "What I heard is that her personality changes from that happy go lucky warlock to a rage-filled feral that can't be stopped. I think last time she attacked one of her teammates during a mission." 

The thought of Nax jumping someone causes him to laugh aloud. "Fin, those are rumors, right? There is no way she would do that." He stops laughing when he sees how serious Fin is.

"You know what they say about rumors. There is always some truth in them. I would check your reports. Anyway, enough talk of that.," Says the young man, face changing from serious to a big smile, "What can I do for you?"


After twenty minutes, the blue exo walks out of the shop with a box full of Amanda parts. He scans the area looking for the warlock, finding her sitting on an old bus bench reading her book as she waits.

Walking up behind her, he leans against the bench's back. "So," starts Cayde, stretching the 'o.' "That was fun."

"Yeah, that was a barrel of laughs," comments the Awoken as she turns a page.

The silence stays, causing Cayde to be unable to stand it, "So—"

"I'm not going to tell you about the rumors. They're just a bunch of guardians making up stores." She slams her book shut and stands, shoving it in her bag. Turning around, she looks at the shop before looking at Cayde with her electric blue eyes. She notes his worry about expression. Sighing, she gives him a smile, "Thanks for getting the parts for me. Evie would usually go in and deal with him while I do other stuff." She takes the box and heads toward the train station, "It's going to get dark soon; we should head back to the station now."

"Um, okay, but at least let me carry the box for you," Offers the Vanguard.

Nax shakes her head, continuing to walk towards the station, "I fight Fallen all the time. What kind of guardian would I be if I can't carry this small box of parts?"


The ride to the tower is quiet. Cayde tries to start a few conversations with Nax, but the warlock would answer in short replies only to return to reading. So, he is left to sit in silence. Once back and off the train, Nax says her goodbye before heading off to the hanger, leaving him alone.


Arriving at the hanger, Nax finds Amanda working on a few warlocks' sparrows. The woman makes her announcement as she walks down the stairs, "Hey, Amanda! I have your parts!"

The mechanic looks up. Standing, she wipes the grease and oil off her hands as she meets Nax halfway, "Great! Thanks for doing that. I have been stuck in the hanger all day. Suddenly, the Warlocks need their bikes."

"Well, the races are coming up, so I can see why." She places the box full of parts down on the tool bench, "Alright, I'm heading out."

Amanda grabs the warlock's arm, stopping her, "Hey, is everything okay? You usually help me with working on these bikes."

"Sorry, I'm really into this book, and I want to finish it," states Nax, a fake smile in place yet knowing Amanda is not buying it.

"Something happens down there, so tell me."

"It's nothing. I shouldn't get upset since I'm used to it by now."

Irritated, the blond frowns, "It's the rumors again? Huh? Fin opened his big fat mouth, didn't he?"

"It's fine. I'm fine, really," Insists Nax, freeing her arm. "But I have to go, Amanda. I'll check in with you tomorrow, okay?" The blue warlock says her goodbyes and heads back out into the courtyard where the sun is setting.


"Hey, Nax!" Calls out a red Hunter. Nax stops in front of the elevator to watches the Hunter rush over to her.

She looks at the human trying to catch his breath, "What is it, Red?"

Straightening up, he runs fingers through his crimson hair, hoping his pale skin is not flush, "I've been looking for you all day."

Not impressed, the warlock states, "For the last time, I'm not buying your stuff."

"It's not that. I want to know if you want to go out tonight."

"No, thank you." Turning around, she presses the button on the elevator.

"Come on! By the looks of it, you had a difficult day. I know a great bar where you can throw shuriken at targets."

Nax thinks it through going out and getting drunk does sound like a better plan than holding herself up in her room as she tries to read the same page twenty times.

"I'll buy a few rounds to sweeten the pot," offers Red.

"Alright," Nax turns around to the human, "I'm in."

"Great! Let us go now before it gets too crowded." He slings an arm around her shoulders and leads her back to the city.