Chapter 6

Nax wakes up the next morning, staring up at the white ceiling before she sits up in her nest. In the living room. Frowning, she rubs her head's back, trying to figure out how she has gotten home. The last thing she remembers is going to the bar with Red playing a few games and drinking a lot.

She groans as a headache begins to pound in her head. Then Red ruin the night by trying to sleep with her. She makes a mental note to get back at him for that. A memory surface from her foggy brain; after Red, she left the bar, but what happened after leaving? 'I was sitting on the railing, feeling sorry for myself. Then,' "Cayde show up. He took me out to eat, and I drink more than everything gotten fuzzy from that." She looks around the living room looking for her ghost. "Beeze?" She calls out then wince from the pain.

Her ghost comes into the room. "Good morning, Nax," He announces happily and loudly.

The awoken winces again and close her eyes and wave at her ghost to be quiet. "Shh, quiet voice Beeze." She slowly crawls out of her blanket nest and uses the couch to help her get to her feet.

Beeze hovers in front of her, his plates spinning. "Does my guardian have a hangover?"

"Noo, Beeze, I always feel this sick in the morning. It has nothing to do with the drinking last night.

"Would you like me to heal you, Nax?" He asks, trying not to laugh at her.

"No, I would love to curl up in a ball all day, questioning my life choices." She growls, swaying a bit on her feet; a feeling of nausea hit her, and she quickly sits down on the couch.

"Alright, then. I'll go ahead and make you breakfast." He begins to float away. "I'm thinking gooey sunny side up eggs for you today."

The thought of food makes her stomach flip and bile begin to rise. Nax stumbles to the bathroom, not bothering turning on the lights or closing the door.

Beeze, hearing her retching in the bathroom, he drifts over to the bathroom door, feeling bad for teasing her. "Are you okay?"

She wipes her mouth and flushes the toilet; she glares at him. "I hate you." She groans, getting up and going to the sink, grabbing her toothbrush and toothpaste.

"You only hate me when I tease you., here," He flies above her and bathes her in the traveler's light.

The awoken let out a sigh of relief as nausea, headache, and sensitivity to light gone. "Much better, thank you, Beeze." She looks over to her floating friend before she turns around and begins to brush her teeth, "How did I get home last night?"

"Oh, that's easy to answer. Cayde 6 brought you home. You were passed out when he brought you home. He just places you in your nest and then left."

She spits in the sink and throws her head back and let out a groan. "Great, I bet he's running to Ikora and tell her how drunk I'd gotten. I'll be stuck here forever." She opens the medicine cabinet and put her toothbrush and toothpaste away.

"I don't see him doing that, also; why would she punish you for having a good time. She did tell you to relax and make a few friends."

"Yes, but I hang out and drink with a vanguard. That's going to ruin my plans."

"You mean your research? I don't see how; it seems like he wanted to have fun, not nosing in other people's business."

"But what if he comes over and hangs out and comes across my notes? Ugh! Why did I go out and drink? I cannot remember what happened. What did I say yes to?"

"Cayde 6 said you agree to have dinner with him while you're on R&R."

"Oh, no." She groans, lowering her head. "Why Drunk Nax? Why did you agree to that?" She asks herself as she lays her forehead against the bathroom mirror."

Watching her groan and regret her choices, the ghost speaks up. "May I suggest something?"

"What?" She turns her head towards him.

"Why don't you just have dinner with him? I mean, you already agree to do it; and there's no harm in having a free meal."

"Red was a free meal and looked what happen."

"Do you think he's like Red? Nax, he took you out to dinner and brought you home and done nothing. Besides, his ghost tells me he's far from Red."

"Fucking Red, He's probably already spreading the rumor of me wanting to sleep in Zavala's bed. Fuck, what if Zavala hears about this? I'm screwed."

"Before you start spiraling out of control, how about you take a deep breath and think." He waits for her to take a deep breath before he continues. "When have you ever see or hear Zavala listen to rumors."

"None" She closes the toilet seat lid and sits down. The commander usually scolds the people who spread those rumors."

"See? Cayde's ghost tells me that he is far from Red because he threatens Red and his friends. He told them that they would be sorry if he finds out that they pull this trick again. I don't think Red will be going around talking about what happened last night."

Nax places her head in her hands and stays quiet, trying to think if she said something to him last night.

"Nax?" Beeze moves closer to her. "Are you still feeling sick?"

She looks at him. "Did I said or did anything stupid last night?"

"You mean when he brought you home?" He watches her nod slowly. "No, as I said before, you were past out when you two arrive here. I just showed him where to put you. After place you on the pile of blankets, he asks if you sleep out here, and I said yes."

"Did he wonder around the apartment?" She asks, watching her ghost's plate twirl as he thinks.

"No, he just lay you down, make sure you're okay and settle in for the night, then he just left."

She sighs out of relief, glad that she did not act like a fool and run her mouth, and Cayde did not wander around her apartment. "Alright," she sighs and looks up at her ghost. "What's on today's agenda?"

Beeze, twirl the other way as he thinks what is going on today. "You have nothing going on today."

She nods and gets off the toilet. "Great, I can relax all day while hiding in my apartment. I've meant to,"

"But, you have dinner at six pm." Beeze interrupts her.

Nax stops and turns back to Beeze. "Six? Why do I have dinner at six?"

"You made that deal with Cayde, remember? You agree when he gets off from work, He gets off at six pm today."

"How do you know about this?"

"Cayde's Ghost told me," Beeze tells her in an informative.

"I guess there's no way I can get out of it?"

"Unless you want to attend Zavala lecture on the importance of gun maintenance."

"Well then," She turns to the shower and begins to turn it on. "I better jump in the shower and get as much reading as I can before six." She undresses and jumps in the shower.

Beeze begins to float out of the bathroom. "I'll make you breakfast and remind you to be ready around five-thirty."

"Thank you, Beeze."


Cayde walks in the meeting hall giving his loud and happy greeting to his fireteam. "Good Morning, everyone."

The awoken looks up from his tablet seeing the exo. "Cayde, a word."

The hunter looks towards him, a report in his hand. "Sure, what's up, big guy."

"I want to say I'm sorry I wasn't able to help you last night. I came across a guardian that needed help."

"Oh, that's okay big blue, no worries." Cayde assures him, "Were you able to help the guardian?"

"Yes, I was able to see her home," Zavala tells him.

Ikora looks up from her book and at her fire team. "What's this?" She looks at Cayde. "Cayde, why did you call Zavala last night." She asks, concern. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, it wasn't dire, I just order too much ramen and needed help carrying it home," Cayde explains.

"Yes, and on my way to help him, I came across a guardian that needed help getting home." Zavala agrees with him.

"Why didn't you call me?" Ikora asks, a bit confuse.

A little surprise by the tone he explains. "I was, but I came across one of your guardians. Anyway, about the guardian, you helped home. Are they okay?" He looks over to Zavala.

"Yes, though I think you will need to check on her."

"Check on her? Why do I need to check on her?" He asks, tilting his head. Though he already knows the reason, he wants to continue his little game.

"She is one of your hunters; I think her name is Faye."

"Alright," He nods his head. "Is there anything I should be worried about?"

"No, though I don't think it's my place to tell you." Their commander says, going back to his tablet.

"Alright, no worries, I'll check up on her later this week," Cayde assures him,

"Cayde," Ikora calls for his attention.

"Hm?" The exo turns to the warlock.

"You said one of my guardians helped you? I hope you didn't rope them into helping."

"You can ask them yourself. She's coming over here so I can treat her to dinner as a thank you." He tells her his plates, moving into a smile.

The warlock raises a brow. "If you're repaying the guardian for helping you. Then I don't have to worry about you taking advantage of her."

"Of course-" Cayde begins to speak.

"But I just hope you're not using her as an excuse to leave work early." The awoken interrupts him.

Looking a bit shock, the hunter look at them both in disbelief. "Have I ever done that?" He asks.

"Yes," They both say in unison.

"You know that hurts, you two. I thought we were friends."

Ikora and Zavala both roll their eyes as more guardians begin to enter.


As six o'clock comes around, Cayde looks up from his map to send another hunter to a zone; he sees the awoken warlock standing at the top of the stairs, hesitating to come down. "Hey, Nax!" He calls out to her happy and gives a wave. "I'm just finishing up mind waiting for a minute or two?"

Nax nods and quickly turns and heads over to Lord Shaxx to talk about the upcoming crucible matches while she waits. 'It's fine; no one is looking at you.'

Watching Nax leave, Ikora turns to him. "Nax?" She asks surprise.

Cayde looks at Ikora. "Yes? Is there a problem?"

Ikora simply smiles as she shakes her head. "No, no problem at all. I hope you two have a good time."

Cayde quickly finishes his report and joining Nax and Shaxx, catching the end of the conversation.

"Nax, I still think you should join the crucible these coming matches. Show these rookies what it's like to put up a fight!"

The awoken let out a light chuckle. "Maybe, last time you had me join, the rookies were terrified and wouldn't join for a week."

"Hm," Shaxx crosses his arms and nods. "That is true, but." He notices Cayde approach them. "Cayde 6 already finish for the day?"

"Yeah, just finish. Are you trying to recruit our Nax here?" He gave a wink to the awoken.

"I am, but Lady Nax here is tough to convince; maybe you can talk her into it?" His voice hopeful

The hunter puts his hands in his pockets and gives a light shrug. "I can see what I can do, buddy. But I can only do so much." He turns to Nax. "You ready to go, guardian?"

"Yup." As both her and Cayde begin to leave, she waves goodbye to the titan. "See ya later, Shaxx."

"Until next time, guardian!" He calls out to her and waves at them both.

Cayde and Nax give him one more wave goodbye and left the Hall of Heroes,

"So, what did you guys talk about?" Cayde asks, turning to her noticing she is dress in a new set of civilian clothes., black jeans, tennis shoes, and a grey zip-up hoodie.

"Well, at first I wanted to know what kind of playing field Shaxx is planning for the upcoming crucible games,"

"How come? Are you planning to join? That will make his day." He chuckles and waves to Banshee.

Nax laughs lightly. "No, if Evie comes back in time, I want to make a few bets with her. She usually wins them, so I thought, if I know, the layout can help my chances."

"Doesn't that consider cheating?" He asks, raising a brow.

"Not really, Evie knows the players better than me. So, I consider it an evening the playing field."

"Well, if she doesn't come back in time, I'll be happy to place a bet with you." he offered as he takes them through the streets.

"I'll consider it," Nax tells him with a slight smirk following him to another small ramen shop.

Because it is still early in the evening, the shop is almost empty. The shop's back is a small group of hunters and titans figuring out what to order and who buys whom.

Nax looks around the small narrow dining area. Cayde walks over to the bar, sits on one of the stools, and waits to join him. Luckily, she did not take long to realize he is waiting for her. She quickly sits at the bar as a young awoken approach the two.

"Hey Cayde, what can I get ya?" He asks, pulling out a pen and a small note pad.

The exo hunter turns to his warlock companion. "Is there anything you're in the mood for."

The young woman shrugs and shakes her head. "You've been here more then I, so I'm going to let you order."

He smiles and rubs his hands. "Alright, leave it to me." He turns to their server and holds up two fingers. "Two bowls of your pork specials, and two orders of Takoyaki."

Nodding his head, the waiter writes down their orders and disappear in the kitchen.

"Oh!" Cayde exclaims, realizing he forgot something. "Thomas! A bottle of sake too!"

"You got it!" Thomas calls out from the back.

Please, Cayde, did a quick tap and turn to Nax. "This place has the best pork ramen, and the Takoyaki is to kill for."

Nax nods absentmindedly, picking at a gash on the bar.

"Nax?" Cayde calls out to her, noticing she has been quiet.

"Hm?" She turns to him and sees a slight concern on his face. "Sorry, I was lost in thought.

"No worries," He assures her. "I was just saying you should tell me what you like to eat, so that way I can take you to places that serve them.

"Well, I like beef, chicken is okay as well, but anything is fine. I don't want you to go out of your way." Nax says, unsure.

"It's not out of my way; really, I know it sucks being trap in the tower."

The awoken nods. "I'm sorry, I'm not a very good dinner guest, I'm just,"

"Embarrassed about what happen last night?" Cayde asks but surprises seeing her shaking her head.

"It's not just that. I'm sure you heard the rumors," Nax sighs.

"I heard there are rumors, but I haven't heard what they are. Do you mind telling me what they are?"

"No, I'm sorry I prefer not to help spread them, I know I'm not making sense, but I just wasn't sure if you." She continues to ramble.

"Nax," He places his hand over hers to stop her. "I'm not Red; believe me, I'm far from that asshole. I just figure you and I can keep each other company while we are both stuck in the tower together. That's it; I'm not looking to get something out of it except company while we have dinner."

Nax looks at his hand and up to him. "Just dinner?"

"Just dinner." He assures her.

Her shoulder relaxes as she let out a sigh. "Alright, also sorry you had to carry me home."

"Don't be; it has been a while since I give someone piggyback. It was fun." He chuckles and takes the water pitcher Thomas left in front of them. "Besides, with you, I just had to carry you home. With the others, they were a lot rowdier." He holds out a glass of water to her.

"I bet." She takes it and takes a sip noticing there is a hint of lemon.

"But I have to say I'm impressed with your pile of blankets in the living room."

Nax almost spits out her water as Thomas returns with a bottle of sake and a Takoyaki plate.

Cayde laughs a little bit. "I mean, you made it look cozy like a nest. Thanks, Thomas." He pours the sake in two cups giving her one and grabbing a Takoyaki for himself. "Though I don't know why you have it set up in your living room. Wouldn't it be more comfortable in your bedroom?"

The blue warlock picks her up and takes a sip realizing its chilled this time.

"The bedroom is too small and brings up bad memories too much, so it's hard to relax."

"Bad memories, huh? Did something happen in there?" He asks

Nax ignores the question. "Have you ever tried Indian?"

He notices the change of subject and let his question go and takes a sip from his cup. "I haven't, but I heard it's pretty good. Have you tried it?"

"I have a few times if it's alright to take a break from ramen."

Cayde laughs as he takes one of the golden balls from the skews. "Only the second day and already sick and tired of ramen?"

She shakes her head as she takes a skew herself. "No, it's not that. I just thought."

"Relax, warlock; I'm just messing with you. If you have a place in mind, we can head over there tomorrow. Besides, if you let me pick the locations all the time, I promise you will get sick of Ramen.

"Hey, Cayde," She asks.

"Hm?" He asks, popping another Takoyaki in his mouth. "What's up."

"Why are you a vanguard if you hate being trap in the tower?"

"Because of a bet?"

"A bet?" Nax raises a brow. "How can a bet make you Vanguard?"

"I lost a bet, so I end up as the Vanguard."

"It seems like you have a bad track record with bets. Maybe I should take up on your offer on making bets with you." She teases him.

"Hey, now, I don't lose all my best."

"Hm, maybe not. I guess I have to take a chance and make a bet with you." She smiles.

Cayde smiles back; he wants to tell her she looks good with a smile but feels right now is not a good time.

Thomas came back with their pork ramen setting it in front of them. "Here ya go, enjoy you two."

"Alright, if this doesn't wow you, nothing will," Cayde says, giving her chopsticks. He breaks apart and begins to dig in.

Nax looks at the steaming bowl, and her stomach growls by the smell. But before she digs in, she turns to Cayde, watching him scarf down his meal. "Is this a pity meal? Because if it is, you do not need to do it. I'm fine." She assures him.

Cayde places his bowl down to get himself a drink. "Unless you're having dinner with me out of pity. Hurry up before your food gets cold." He tells her to go back to his meal.

She turns back to her meal, and as she pulls her chopsticks apart, her mouth water; as the smell of pork broth waft up to her nose, her stomach begins to growl. She quickly picks up a large piece of pork and places it in her mouth. This time, the pork was not spicy like the meal last night but savior with a sweet hint. As she chews, she notices it is very tender. She closed her eyes and savored the flavor. After she finishes, she picks up the bowl and takes a broth sip, allowing the warmth to spread through her body.

The Hunter exo watches the awoken enjoying the meal and begins to relax before he goes back to his dinner and enjoys it.

As the night grew late, both had finish three bowls of pork ramen, two Takoyaki orders, and two bottles of sake. But because Nax wants to remember what happens the next day, she lets Cayde drink most of it.

After the hunter pays the bill, they both walk out of the small shop just in time as a crowd of warlock arrives for the evening special. One of the newcomers notices her, and as he tries to get his companion's attention, Nax hurries Cayde out.

The night's cold air is a welcome relief from coming out of the overly warm ramen shop. Unzipping her hoodie, showing a faded blue t-shirt.

Seeing her trying to cool down, Cayde chuckles. "A bit warm?"

"A little, but the cool air is helping." She looks over to him and tilting her head a bit. "Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Yes, I'm that great." He barks out a laugh as she punches him on the shoulder.

"Seriously, can I ask you one?"

"Sure, sure, shoot."

"Do exos get hot or cold?"

"Like do we feel it. Or does our bodies react to it?" He asks a bit curious; not a bit surprised, a warlock asks him that.

"Both?" Nax did not think they would feel it, but if he offers to tell her, she will not pass up the chance.

"Well, I don't remember my human body, so I can't compare, but I do feel it, just it seems I'm more tolerant to temperatures then you flesh bags." He teases. "For heating up, well, I am a machine, so a cooling system prevents me from overheating. I think, sorry I'm not informative."

"Didn't they tell you?" She asks surprise; no one told the exo how his body works.

"Well, I was created before The Collapse, and like most guardians,"

"You were revived with no memory by your ghost." The warlock nods understanding.

"Speaking of ghosts." He does a quick scan as they walk down the streets.

"Beeze doesn't need to follow me all the time; he figures he can trust me enough to go on my own with you." She smirks. "I guess he figures you can keep me out of trouble."

"I think he's the only one that trusts me enough to keep someone out of trouble. I'm kind of touch."

"I'm sure Ikora and Zavala. If not, then they wouldn't have you on their fireteam."

Cayde bark out a laugh. "They don't trust me in a million years. Zavala doesn't trust me as far as he can throw me, and he can throw me far."

She covers her mouth to muffle her giggling as she images Zavala throwing Cayde across the courtyard. "What about Ikora? I'm sure she trusts you."

He lets out a sigh, "Ikora is a warlock."

"Okay, what's wrong with warlocks? Besides thinking you're smarter than everyone."

Cayde throws his head back and lets out a groan. "Please tell me you don't think like that. It will be a shame thinking I had dinner with someone that thinks they're better than me."

Nax shakes her head. "No, thinking like that hurts my head. That's why I don't spend time together with other warlocks."

"Their loss, I mean, I only had two meals with you, but I can tell you're fun. Oh! Hey, look!" He yells, pointing at a shave ice stand. "Oh man, it has been a while since I had shave ice. Nax, do you want some?"

Nax raises a brow and glances over to the stand. "I never had shave ice, is it good?"

The hunter jaw drops in disbelief. "You never had it? You must be joking, right?" He groans again, watching her shakes her head. "You're missing something wonderful. That's it; it's settled." Cayde grabs her hand and leads her towards the stand stopping in front of it.

An older human woman that runs the stand sees the two approach and stands up to greet them. "What can I get for you two?" She asks with a heavy Irish accent.

Cayde begins to order his as Nax looks at the list of flavors written on the small chalkboard. She is stuck between lemon or raspberry flavor. After he finishes his order, he turns to Nax to let her order but sees she is not paying attention.

"Hey, Nax." Still not responding, he waves his hand in front of her face. "Hellloooo Naaaxx."

She reaches out and grabs his waving his hand. "Yes? What is it? I was looking at the list."

Taking his hand back, he gives a huff. "It's your turn to order; which flavor do you want?"

Slightly embarrassed, she gives a small shrug. "I don't know; I'm stuck on two flavors."

He grins. "Lucky for you, I tried all these flavors, five times over. I can tell you which ones are worth your time."

Nax smirks and crosses her arms over her chest. "Now, are you saying you're a connoisseur of snowball flavors?"

"My dear, I am a connoisseur of any type of food selling around the tower. Anyway, what flavors are you having trouble with?" He looks over the list of flavors.

"I can't decide whether to choose raspberry or lemon."

"Hm, why don't you get both?" He suggests. "Wanda here can mix up to three flavors."

��Three?" She raises a brow. "Why three?"

"Because any more and you'll ruin it.," Wanda answers, giving Cayde a look.

Cayde laughs. "Yes, well, can't you blame me? I try all of them and all the various combinations. You cannot blame an exo for trying more flavors. I mean, I want to take a walk on the wild side. Anyway." He turns back to Nax. "You want to try them both?"

She nods. "Alright, sounds good, but if it's gross, you're going to pay for it." She tells him jokingly and playfully poke his chest

Wanda nods and starts the machine and starts putting a large chunk of ice in it. Cayde stands next to Nax as she watches the machine with interest.

"So," He brings her attention away from the machine. "I'm going to pay if the flavor is gross, uh?"

"Yup, you will have to pay."

"How will I pay?" He cocks his head.

The awoken looks up towards the sky, seeing a strip of it between the buildings. "Let's see the payment will be," Nax turns to him, her eyes filled with mischief. "You have to wear warlock's garb; it shouldn't be hard since you love them so much. Do we have a deal?"

Cayde looks at her in disbelief. "What will I get if you like it then?"

"I guess the satisfaction of knowing you have opened the world to be a bit more."

"Wait a minute; that's not fair." Cayde whines. "Why would I be punished, but not you?"

"Because you talk me into trying it." She points out watching Wanda scoop the shave ice into a cup and pour the syrups on top. Handing both them to Nax, she put his cup in his hand and pay for it, since he already paid for dinner.

"Thanks, Wanda; see ya later." Cayde wave goodbye as both of them walks down the street. He looks over towards his companion as she takes the plastic spoon and scoops the right amount of it orange shave ice, placing it in her mouth.

The mixture of the sweet raspberry and tart lemon feels refreshing after their savory meal. Nax closes her eyes, enjoying the cold liquid running down her throat.

"Well?" The exo asks, waiting anxiously, waiting for a response.

Opening her eyes, she looks over to Cayde and gives him a half a shrug and an unimpressed expression. "It's okay, I guess." She walks away from him, and his stun face; a smile played across her face when he heard him yell.

"Oh, come on!"

Author Notes: Hey Guardians! I hope everyone is staying safe during this tough time. Here is chapter 6 and I hope you all enjoy it. I will get chapter 7 as soon as I can. You can follow me on my Facebook Author page that I just set up, my Instagram, or Twitter. Until next time, Stay safe out there!


Instagram: @katiek_novak

Twitter: @Katelynnk_Novak