Hide and seek

"Aahh… choo!!"

Zeri's sneeze echoed inside the quiet classroom while the young man whose face was close to hers stayed there frozen. His eyes were wide in utter disbelief as he looked at her. It seemed like he couldn't believe that someone just shamefully sneezed on his very face. Squirrel… are you really trying to drive me nuts? Huh?! 

With veins popping on his forehead, Kira was so pissed he suddenly held Zeri's face in one hand to draw her closer to him. However, before he could begin to punish her with a kiss like what he planned, he saw her close her eyes as a sign that she was about to sneeze, causing him to immediately let go.

"Ahhh… choo!! Ahh… choo!" Another sneeze echoed and Kira's shoulders finally dropped as if he just lost another important battle that he'd never once lost before. Damn… how many times has it been now?! Huh?! This girl is really… damn it!!