This saturday

For a moment, Kira fell into a trance. His eyes were glued at Zeri's as they silently stare at each other. 

But before Kira could snap out of it and speak, Zeri's phone rang again and the girl abruptly stood. 

Kira moved to stand as well but all of the sudden, the girl put her hand on top of Kira's head, pushing him down to stop him from standing.  

"Jiro, I'm right here." Zeri waved her hand holding her phone towards a boy standing by the door. 

When the 13-year-old boy saw her, he immediately sighed in relief. He was about to walk towards her but Zeri stopped him. "Go back inside, I'm coming." She said and the boy creased his brows. But in the end, he still obeyed despite the slight hesitation in his eyes. 

"O-okay, I'll go heat up your dinner." He replied and hesitantly entered the house.