Chapter 12: The Wish

Chris Virtanen's POV

I was trying to control my tempo as I know that Sophia was delicate. It was her first time and she was gripping my shoulders when I was pumping in and out of her. She was biting her lower lips as she was closing her eyes, feeling the sensation that I was giving to her.

"Look at me, Sophia," I said as she opened her eyes. Her blue orbs were shining as the lights were dimmed in my suite. I was kissing her mouth before she was grabbing my asscheeks. I chuckled before I was looking at her.

"Now, now, I thought you want me to make love to you,"

"That's overrated. I want you to ravish me, Chris. Not the other way around," she said before I was increasing my tempo as I was pulling out of her and thrust with such force that the bed was squeaking.

Then, Sophia moaned.

"Do you approve of this then?" I asked her before Sophia was nodding at me. She was gripping my hair before she was offering her breasts to me. I took it as I was putting my mouth around the nipples. Her nipples were pinkish and I loved every second of tasting her delicate breast. I did not fill out as I was guessing she was an A size but it did not matter, I loved it anyway.

"Oh, Chris. Yes!" She moaned before I was releasing her right tit with a pop before I was sucking on the other. I was running my tongue on her nipple as I was thrusting in and out of her core. She was wet even more as I was sucking on her tit.

"You're such a naughty girl," I whispered to her before I was licking her earlobe. I can sense that I was closed to the edge of losing myself to the orgasm that was building up. But Sophia, she was not stating that she will be orgasming with me. Then, I went to play with her clit.

"Oh my God! Chris!" She screamed my name before her walls clenched around my cock. I grunted before I was spewing my hot load inside her. She was breathing hard as I was putting my face between her valleys.

"Wow, that was…"

"Insane?" I asked before she was smiling at me. Not that I was a virgin or anything, I slept with women before Katherine but it seems that I was never able to touch her. Not intimately anyway. So, yeah, I know that Sophia was the best orgasm that I ever had.

And we don't even use a condom.

"Shit," I said as I was looking up from her breasts. She arched her eyebrows at me before I was pulling out of her wet mound. She whined before I was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Shit, shit, shit," I mumbled before I was remembering it now. I never get this intense orgasm because we were never skin to skin before.

But with Sophia, it was different now.

Now I know how she felt around me, I don't think I want to wear a plastic wrapper while making love to her.

"Chris, what's wrong?" She asked as she was pulling the duvet before she was kissing my shoulder. I was sighing deeply before I was glancing over my shoulder.

"I should have never done this," I mumbled before I was trying to get up from the bed. But Sophia has another thing in mind.

"What do you mean? Do you regret sleeping with me?" Sophia held my wrist as I was looking at her face. How could I be regretting this? She was the best woman in my bed.


She was eager and wanting to learn to please me even though she was a virgin. I was looking at her hand before I was pulling it and kissed her knuckles.

"No, of course not. It was not your fault. It's mine," I said as I was looking at her confused face as she was furrowing her brows.

"So, tell me what is it that you were cursing about?" She asked me before I was rubbing my mouth. I think I should get Plan B for her now.

"I forgot to put on the condom and I came inside you. We have to get Plan B now to avoid any mistake—"

Sophia silenced me with her straddling me on my laps as she was putting her hands on my mouth.

"It's fine. I have prepared for this. Even though I was a virgin, I took birth control pill," she said as I was blinking at her.

"But, why?" I asked her before Sophia was shrugging at me.

"I don't know, birth control was not only for preventing unwanted pregnancy but it also can help to regulate my hormones and period, I supposed," Sophia said as she was caressing her hands on my hard chest. It was hard to think when there was a woman in front of you on the bed.

"So, will you please stop worrying about it? Can't we just enjoy this moment together?" She asked me as I was looking at her. I nodded.

"Good, 'cause I think you're overdue of pleasuring me and ravishing me again. I only come once in your life, Chris," she said before she was pulling me to her. Then, she claimed my lips in a rough, hard kiss. I smiled before I was pushing her down as she was beneath me. Sophia chuckled.

"Jeg elsker dig," she whispered before I was furrowing my eyebrows.

"What does that mean—"

"Shh, just focus on the moment, Chris. You and me," she said before she was making me forget all about those other things that were happening in my life right now.

Trying to please my uncle.

Trying to forget that I was dangerous.

That I was an assassin.

Because when I was with Sophia, nothing can ever be the same again.


Sophia Hansen's POV

I gasped before I was sitting up from the bed as I was getting up from the sleep that had claimed me after I was drunk in the afternoon. I was looking around my surrounding before I was trying to figure out where I was.

And that's when I saw the vivid green eyes staring at me.

I was blinking my eyes before I think I saw his hair was fair instead of brown. But I guessed that was just the side effect of the dream of my memory. Or was it the memory that was being a dream?

"Sleep well, Sophia?" Vi asked me before I felt the pain inside my head. Seriously, I should stop taking alcohol if I cannot hold it in. I turned to see at him as he was sipping on his coffee? Tea? I don't know what he was having as it was in a mug.

My guess would be coffee then.

"I guess,�� I said as I was putting my hand on my temple. It was throbbing badly when I was remembering all the details of Chris Virtanen.

Chris Virtanen, the person that I was supposed to bring to justice.

He was known when I was working as a crime detective. He was a billionaire so it was hard to touch him. He was above the laws.

Vi put his mug down before he was standing up from the chair that he occupied. He walked to the bed before he was sitting next to me. His hands went to my head before he was massaging me. I moaned before I was closing my eyes.

"Feel better?"

"So much better," I said as I was leaning toward him. I did not notice that I was moving toward him before I was putting my hands against something hard. The massage stopped before I opened my eyes and I was looking at Vi's vivid green eyes. He was leaning closer to me as I was closing my eyes slowly before I felt it.

His lips on mine.

He was kissing me sweetly and tenderly before I was gripping his shirt. He seems to get the message as he was licking my lower lips as I was kissing him fervently now.

"Hmm," I moaned before Vi was plunging his tongue inside me. He was exploring my mouth before he pulled away as we both breathed heavily.

"I don't think we can do terms and conditions in this marriage of ours, Sophia," Vi said before I smiled.

"Yeah, I think so too," I said before Vi was smirking and my heart skipped a bit.

His smirk was the same as Chris. Could it be…

I shook my head inwardly as I know that Chris was still reported missing. I have quit my job as a crime detective and I don't care about him anymore.

But deep down, I know that I cannot lie when I know my feelings for Chris Virtanen was still there somewhere in my heart.