Chapter 27: The Chase

Arthur Hansen's POV

I was looking at my daughter that was shocked by the realization that she did marry the person that we have arranged for her. She was speechless for most of the time as I saw Chris, Levine's grandson, for the first time.

I thought he was supposed to be blond?

Then, my daughter was running away from the study room. Chris was looking at me as he was bowing at me after my daughter bolted.

"It's nice to finally meet you, sir. Sorry, I took too long to meet you officially," Chris said as I was looking at the young man. He was a brunette now as I can see the roots were blond now.

I see why Levine stated that the plan was a go. He has played it all along to get my daughter to marry his grandson.

"Now, if you excuse me, I have to catch my bride. Father, grandpa, Boss," he said before he was stepping out of the study room as I was turning to look at Levine. He was smiling happily before I was glaring at him.

"So, that's your plan? Playing with my daughter's emotion?'' I asked as I was trying to control my anger inside me. Levine sipped on his tea before he was looking at me.

"But you're the one that agreed to all of this,"

"That's before I know your method! And now, I think Sophia will hate me forever now. How could you break my bond with my daughter?!" I said as I was pacing back and forth in front of them. Archie was arching his eyebrow at me as I was glaring at him as well.

"And you! Why did you help him?" I asked my brother before he smirked. Damn him!

"Relax, will you? You did not know the heart of your daughter. This method that Levine took might be unorthodox but trust me, your daughter will appreciate it," Archie said as I was arching my eyebrow at him.

"How can you be so sure?" I asked them before I was sitting on the sofa again. Levine leaned back as he was regarding me.

"Because, Arthur, your daughter is a rational woman and if you fail to see that she was in love with my grandson, then you're the fool," he said as I was sighing.

Maybe Levine's right, that I don't know my daughter at all. After all, she ran away from home 3 years ago and only now, she was willing to come home.

Because Chris Virtanen was gone from her life.

Sophia Hansen's POV

I cannot believe it. I was being played by those men as I was running through the garden maze as I was wiping my tears that were running my cheeks. I was sobbing silently as I was running to the only place that I knew.

My mother's gazebo at the center of the maze.

I was moving across the maze that I have discovered when I was 5 years old on how to get to the center. It was also the first time that my mother was having an affair with my father's best friend. But I don't want to think about that right now.

I ran before I was seeing the gazebo. I leaned against the chair as I was sitting on the ground. I sobbed in my arms as I was leaning to the chair. I was closing my eyes when I saw that I have been playing here with my mother when she still cared about me.

But that was a lie as well when she refused to play with me one day. And it was because of that man who stole her from me and my father.

I think I wanted to get revenge on that traitor but I know, I could never. My father was willing to let her go, so I have to let go of that revenge. But now that pain was back. And all of it because of one person.

Chris Virtanen.

"Sophia? Sophia!" His voice was coming from the outside of the maze as I was wiping my tears. I don't think that I would be like this for a man. I have sworn that I would never be like this anymore.

After that night I spent in Vi's bed. I know I was doomed forever.

I stayed silent for a while as I was hearing the footsteps that were coming around the maze. I was staying silent as I was hearing the rushed footsteps before I was releasing the breath that I held inside me.

"Gotcha!" Chris said as he was sneaking behind me as I was shrieking away from him. He was smirking at me as I was glaring at him.

"Why are you here, Chris? Or sorry, was it, Vi, now? Oh well, I don't know since you lied to me!" I said as I was crossing my arms at him and turned my back to him.

"Sophia, I can explain—"

"Oh, please. Go ahead. It's not like I was a fool for trusting you with my life now. I am such an idiot," I mumbled before I was pinching my nose bridge. I was closing my eyes as I felt the body heat that was coming behind me.

His intoxicating cologne, Dunhill Blue was hitting my nose.

"Sophia," he whispered huskily to me before I was jerking away from Chris.

"Do not touch me,"

"But you did enjoy my touch last night and this morning, if I recall," Chris said as I was glaring at him. He held his hands up before I was walking back and forth in the maze.

"I should have brought you in instead of sleeping with you," I said as I was looking at Chris. He was arching his eyebrow at me.

"Brought me in? For what?" He asked before I was laughing bitterly. Then, I was staring murderously at him.

"Oh, I don't know? Maybe because on the attempt of killing a Finnish Princess, disguise and breaking the international laws, to start?'' I asked him as I was gritting my teeth. I wanted to get mad at him but it seems that was possible.

Instead, I was aroused by his presence right now.

"Sophia, your eyes are dilating," Chris noted as I was blinking my eyes before I was staring away from his sinful body. That did not help either when he was wearing a black shirt with trousers. I know how hard his chest as I was exploring it last night.

"You're blushing," he noted as I was glaring at him.

"No, I am not,"

"Yes, you are. And you're breathing heavily right now," Chris stated as I was cursing under my breath. After a few moments, he snapped his fingers.

"Are you horny, Sophia?" He asked me as he was smirking. I was gritting my teeth as I was looking at him.

"I am not!" I said before I was coming at him. Chris was surprised to see that I was willing to attack him before he was blocking every advance that I was showing him. He did it perfectly as I was kicking, punching, and advancing at him.

Of course, being an assassin, he has an advantage over me. I don't know why I was even trying to attack him.

Chris blocked my hands before he was turning it behind me as he was pushing me to the ground. I fell with a hump as he was sitting behind me with his legs straddling my buttocks. I was writhing under his hold.

"Hold still," he said as I was gritting my teeth.

"In your dreams, Virtanen," I said before I was feeling something hard that was pushing behind me. Chris grunted before I was rolling him off from me as I was on my back. Chris recovered quickly before he was straddling my stomach as he was putting my hands on either side of my head with his hold on them.

"Stay still, Sophia, or I swear I will kiss the shit out of you," he said as we both breathed heavily. I was looking at his brunette hair before I was gazing at his lips. I licked my lower lips before we were staring into each other's eyes.

We were silent as time passed before I was moving to get out of his hold.

"Oh no, you don't. You will not go anywhere until I was done with you," he said as I laughed humourlessly at his statement. Then, I glared at him murderously.

"Make me," and he did. He leaned forward before he was claiming my lips. My eyes were wide as a saucer until I was succumbing to his kiss. He was licking my lower lips before I was gasping. Chris took the opportunity to slide his tongue inside me as I was tasting mint in his breath.

Fresh, just like him.

I groaned before Chris broke the kiss as he was leaning his forehead against mine. He smirked as I was looking at his handsome face.

"You asked for it. And this time, I will make sure that you stay with me forever, wife," he said as he was fumbling with my buttons before his eyes were glistening with mischief. I gulped.

I don't think I ever saw this part of him, ever. And I am excited to know him better.