Chapter 2: The Disguise

Eddy Rovski's POV

"What?! No, father, I will do no such things," I said as I was looking at my father, King of Hungary, King Peter, as he was looking outside the window after he dropped the bomb on me.

"You have to do it, Ed. This is the duty for our people," he said as he turned to look at me. I scoffed as I was crossing my hands in front of my chest.

"Well, riddle me this. Did you marry mum for the sense of duty?" I asked as I was staring at him. He turned to look at me with his piercing grey eyes. It was the distinguishing feature of us, the Rovski.

"Yes, of course, I did,"

"But you love your wife, correct?" I pressured him.

"Yes, we have known each other for quite some time before we married each other," he replied as I threw my hands up in the air.

"There you go. You married mum because you love her, not because you had a sense of duty with her,"

"Eddy, you have to. The Finnish princess was my goddaughter. It will do us good for the whole family including my best friend's," he insisted that he will use any means to get me to agree to his condition. I sighed as I was running my hands in my hair.

"You will have to fly there and introduced yourself to her and perhaps if she was to your liking—"

"Did you not see the news?" I asked him as he did not know that the current situation has changed. He blinked at me as I was chuckling at his reaction.

"About what?" He asked while frowning.

"That Princess Katherine Abigail Remes will be hosting a competition to find the best suitor that will be marrying her in one-month time. It was the grand prize for the competition, her hands in marriage," I said as my father blinked a few times.

"Oh, Aaron did not tell me that,"

"Of course not. It was her idea which was ridiculous as no other royalty ever done it before," I said as I was putting my hands on my hips. I sighed as I was looking at the portraits of my ancestors before me. They were not happy with their spouses in the picture.

Or maybe it was the way that the painter asked them to look.

I closed my eyes as I was sighing. I know that sooner or later, I would have to find a wife when my father decided to give the throne to me.

Counting on my sister was a no-no since she was happy with her Italian husband.

I sighed once more as I know my destiny as the Crown Prince and the heir to Hungary throne will be inevitable. I have to find a wife sooner or later but I'm sure as hell Princess Katherine will be the one that I wanted by my side.

Besides, it was obvious that she will rule over her own country instead of mine so the matchmaking was a terrible one if you asked me. I smiled as my father did not know about that information. I heard that Princess Katherine was in her dilemma not much different from mine.

Surely she did not want another royal pain in the ass on her conscious.

An idea started in my mind. If I can prove that Katherine was not the one for me, my father would let me off the hook and I will have another time to think about this fiasco.

"Well, I will do as you wish father but I wanted to be undercover,"

"Undercover? What forever for?" He asked as I was smiling at him.

"We cannot expose ourselves to the public let alone a royal was taking a spot in the contest. What would our people say about me?" I asked him as he seems to think about the idea of it. It's true and I think I will have much more freedom to do what I wanted when I was not a prince.

"Hmm, you're right. But what will you put as your name then?" He asked as I was smirking at me.

"Why, Eddy Dobulski of course. Besides, it's mum's maiden name, aren't they?" I said as he groaned at me.

"You're just like your sister. Why can't I figure her out when she pulled that stunt a year ago?" My father asked when he pinched his nose bridge.

"Because she's brillant," I said as I was smiling before I went out to set my plan in motion.

Prince in disguise, here I come!


It has been a few days that my father and I were having those conversation and naturally, I would ignore it. But right now, I am not ignoring those conversation as I was looking at the place that was known as The Hostel that I will be staying.

I was taking in the view of the mighty country that was known as Finland and I cannot think of anything that might be good from this. I was smiling before I was making my way to the hostel and then it all happened in one moment.

One I was standing up, then other I was beneath of someone.

I went to the location that I heard Katherine will be doing the selection before the contestants can advance to the next level. I don't care much to pass. I wanted to get this off my shoulder and right now, it was playing with my favor.

I was in disguise and no one knows about me. I have to keep it that way.

"Hey, watch it!" Someone yelled at me in Finnish that feels like they were cursing at me. I shivered as I never been vulgar in my life but right now, I think it was time for me to be tough.

"So much for laying low," I said as I was looking at the location of the restaurant. It was not suitable for me as I hated crowded people. Even at my parties back in Hungary when I was supposed to make an appearance which was only for a moment before I went out of the way.

I sighed as I shook my head. Maybe I just went out of this contest and never returned until one month was up. Yeah, that sounds like a plan.

Until I bumped into someone.

"Argh!" The feminine voice was crying as I was stumbled back on my ass before the lush body of a woman was on top of me. I was stunned as I never notice how the woman's body was before. You see, I was an obedient child since I have to set an example.

And right now was not a good example at all.

"Oh my God! I am so sorry," I said in English as I was looking at the woman who was on me. Her blonde hair was shining in the sunlight. I don't notice about a woman's physique before because I was not interested but right now, I was very interested in the person that was on top of me.

"It's alright. My bad," she replied in English as well. Its British accent was making me turned to jelly. It was angelic and sweet that I could sleep on it.

"If you could just…remove your hands please," she said as her eyes were staring into mine. It was the odd color you see. It's almost like purple but maybe the light was playing a trick on me right now.

"Right, sorry," I said as I was pushing her off me after I took off my hands around her tiny waist. She was the perfect lush body in my hands.

Wait, what?

"I hope you were not in any injuries that I don't know about," I said as she was dusting her sundress. She turned her purplish gaze upon me and I stilled for a moment.

"Well, thank you. I don't get hurt easily you know," she joked as I was laughing at her statement.

"Of course, you are better than me then," I said as she was smiling at me. We were silent for a moment before she cleared her throat.

"I should go now," she said as she was inching to get on with her life. I nodded before I waved at her goodbye as she glanced at me over her shoulder as she was running toward the corner before she disappeared.

I sighed as I looked at the restaurant that was still packed with people punching their way through. I shook my head as I rolled my eyes at their brutal force.

Men without dignity!

I was about to walk away before I saw the envelope on the ground. It must be from the woman that I was bumping into. I don't know where she was right now but when I turned to look at the front, I stilled as I was reading what it said:

If you wish to get out of the matchmaking that your father's asked you to, come to this address and bring this envelope with you. I'll help you out. ~Princess Katherine~

I blinked a few times as I was looking at the envelope before I smiled. I think Katherine knew exactly what I wanted and I must say that woman played her part well.

"Well, it looks like I was not the only one wanted out of this match make," I said as I was opening the envelope and went there as quickly as I can.

I was walking into the front door of the hostel. I don't even know that I am the first one to arrive there as I was looking and taking all the luxurious sensation that was around me. And to think that this place was shabby before, I shook my head before someone was calling after me.

"Can I help you, sir?" the receptionist asked me in English before I was giving the invitation that was coming from one Finnish Princess.

The receptionist was looking at me before he nodded. He went to the set of keys before he was taking one of them. Then, he gave it to me.

"Here is the key for your room. You will be meeting your roommates later," the receptionist said before I was nodding at him.

"Thanks, I appreciate it," I said before he was giving me some instructions on how to go to the room. And then, I was off to my new adventure as well as thinking about the woman that I just hit earlier in front of the hostel.