Excepting the proposal

Princess Lola was to celebrate her seventeenth year on this land today. Everyone was making preparations for a grand birthday she so deserved. King Machubi even bought Fireworks from a neighboring country. Never had the citizens of Ujarmas seen this night flowers blooming in the sky before. Throughout the years the country had changed a lot, but it's citizens were still the free spirited, kind, straightforward people they always were. In Alucha, capital city of Ujarma beautiful white stone houses, with brick colored clay tiles were build to protect the people from the hot sun. The entire city was not overly decorated, but beautiful with its small streets and Square in between the tasteful, simple, white houses.

Today entire Alucha was celebrating alongside the royal family. The streets were decorated with colorful paper garlands and paper lamps were flying high in the sky. There were horseback and martial arts competitions and a lot of food was provided by the royal family. The celebration lasted the entire night and everyone celebrated princesses coming of age ceremony together.

This was a vary important day for any Ujarman girl. It's true, that in other countries a woman was considered an adult after her fifteenth birthday and was allowed to get married, but in Ujarma marriage was something not to be rushed. Only after a woman celebrated her seventeenth year was she allowed to choose a fiancé for herself and could only get married to him when she was eighteen. This was decided many years ago, to lessen mortality rates. It was a common knowledge that a child of fifteen, or sixteen were more likely to die in childbirth. Because there was no equality in other countries, women were forced to get married against there will vary early on. As this woman had bad psychics and were weak wallflowers, only appreciated for their beauty, most of the time even when older, they still did not possess enough strength to give birth to a child. In Ujarma women were respected a little bit more. They were not equal to man, whose word were still the decider and had no rights of succession if there was a male hear, but they were the ones to choose their future husbands and the way of life. No man could force them against their will. Even though the women here were physically strong and could handle this hardships better, Ujarma still did not allow such risks as giving birth while still being only a child themselves. other countries looked down on Ujarma even more because of this. They considered eighteen to old for a woman to not be already married, and man of Ujarma were women pleasing wimps in their eyes.

Princesses seventeenth birthday was a very important milestone. After today she was allowed to choose with whom she wished to spend the rest of her life. Unfortunately in princess Lola's case this choice was not so simple. She and her royal family knew Ujarma was still not strong enough to go against any other major countrys. Alone they were still weak, but put them in an alliance with any of them and they would be a force no country could stand against. Everyone else also new of this and marriage proposals, for the only two unmarried royal members of Ujarma were pouring in. The eldest prince Sandrus Isva Dumil was twenty seven years old and married with three children. His wife was a daughter of the Ujarmas Council member and the love of his entire life. The second prince Pedos Tobel Dumil was already twenty five and with no plans about marriage yet. He still had not found his love, but had no wish to ever marry a spoiled, weak princess of another country, who looked down on their beloved Ujarma. The King and the Queen also supported this decision. Until a person had found their one true love they should not think about marriage. But Princess Lola was another case. She needed a protection, which Ujarma alone could not provide. Some day in the future, If she wished to live freely, she would need a strong power to support her. The King and the Queen knew, that marrying for love was practically impossible for their beloved little princess, considering her appearance. What she really, desperately needed was power. Still they wished to give her the best chance for it.

Before her seventeenth birthday manny marriage proposals arrived. Even if the other countries had heard of her ugly appearance, they did not care. For them this was a simple business transaction. they knew that Ujarma never married out there royalty, but still held some hope knowing of her ugliness.

The royal family set alone in the Kings modest cabinet, around a big wooden table with massive chairs around it and were looking at the many letters in front of them.

"I still think this is a bad idea" said the second prince Pedos TobeI Dumil. " I'm willing to marry some pompous dolled up Princess if it means Lola can stay here with us". He was leaning back in his chair and playing with a small knife on the table.

"You know perfectly well that can't help her." Said sternly Queen Lina. "Otherwise do you think I would be giving up my sweet little girl, if I could just send one of you away?"

"Uuuuuug.... I hate this. Why do I have to part with you?" Said the first prince Sandrus Iswa Dumil, wile suddenly hugging, or more accurately choking his sister with his love.

"I can't... breathe.." exclaimed Lola.

"O sorry. " realized the prince that his sister was about to pass out in his arms and released her from the deadlock he called a hug.

"Seriously, you need to watch your strength. Your Love is going to kill me one of this days."

Everyone was talking and laughing. Only the King was solemn and did not utter a word. Finally the Princess looked at him with loving eyes and said. "You know this is not the end of the world. We have everything planned out and if it doesn't work, well then so be it. We will find another way. I'm truly sorry. I know how much you suffer because of me. If I was just born normal..."

The Kings Stern facade finally broke and he started sobbing. "How can you say that? Not ones have you... you, inconvenienced us. You were a bundle of joy since the second you were born and saved us all. I just... i just can't bare to part with you and send you to some stuck up prince. " here the King became a complete sobbing mess.

"Every time. " chuckled prince Sandrus.

"Calm down dummy. " Laughed the Queen, while hugging his husband and patting him on the had like a child.

Lola stood up and hugged her mother and father. The princes looked at each other, smiled, stood up and joined the family hug. Soon everyone was laughing.

"Ok I will take this seriously." Said King Machubi wiping away his tears, while smiling. "Lola I think you should choose prince Valentine of Dalis nation. He is of appropriate age and will become heir to a throne, even though his a second prince born from a mistress. This shows how promising he is.

Only thing is that there country allows to have mistresses, which is just unexplainable to us."

"Don't worry." Said Lola. "We will Ask them to honor few of our traditions. As it's probably impossible to make them promise to not take a mistress, we will just make the king force prince Valentine to wait two years after the marriage to take one in. This is the least they can do and will work right into our hands."

"I'll send Lord Gogi Mtiel and give him the instructions to pass on to the King. We will also request to not lift your vail or touch you in anyway. As for the rest you will have a free reign and can decide for yourself whatever you think will be best for you." Said the King.

"Wait so we have really decided on this wimp Valentine?" Exclaimed prince Pedos.

"Be quiet, or I will make you." Threatening Queen Lina with her glare and turned to Lola "I agree. He looks promising and if not then we will go with plan B".

Finally everyone reached an agreement.