Acacia taking action

As Acacia tripped she pulled on Lolas vail. It was blatantly obvious what her intentions were behind this spectacle. It would certainly be humiliating to revile the ugly appearance Lola was rumored to have, but why try so hard when there was no audience to witness the show? Still it would be catastrophic if she succeeded no matter what her sham was. Lola was trained enough to shake this weakling without So much as lifting a finger. So she did. Acacia fell to the ground hitting her had on the table and screaming from pain. Why would she go so far as to hurt herself? Who was she trying to deceive with this horrible acting. Suddenly all became clear. Through the door ran prince Valentine and lifted Acacia in his hands. He immediately lay her on the sofa and called in a doctor. After making sure she was alright he stood up, turning towards Princess Lola, yelling at the top of his throat. "What the hell is your problem. Why would you just pushed her to the ground?"

It seemed that Acacia saw prince Valentine opening the door and acted immediately. There was no way for Lola to defend herself in front of a man so blinded by love. Still, she tried.

"Prince Valentine this is not..."

"Be quiet!" Yelled the prince. "What the hell could you possibly say to defend yourself."

Certainly nothing, if he didn't even allow her to speak. Lola clenched her fists tightly trying to calm herself. Why was she being treated like this. She was his fiancé, a wife to be, innocent of everything she stood accused of. Lola only wished for him to love her, but in no way would she ever stoop so low to bully someone for a mans affection. How low his impression of her must be, to think she could do something this cruel and pathetic.

"No prince, it is my foult." Whispered weakly Acacia pulling on his sleeve. "I tripped and accidentally lifted her vail, revealing her appearance. I understand why she would get mad at me, or why she would choose to hide it. I truly pity you. No one deserves to look that way." She immediately put a hand to her mouth in shock, but underneath she was trying not to smile. " O I am so sorry. I did not mean that. Just because you have such an appearance, dose not mean someone should make fun of you. Believe me that was not my intention."

"Do not worry my love. I know your intentions were pure." Valentine kissed Acacias forehead gently. As he turned towards Lola the kind smile gradually disappeared. "Just because she saw how ugly you are you pushed her to the ground? That is not a news. Everyone knows of your ugliness. Infect it is ridiculous that you still try to hide it." Said the prince as he stood up and walked towards Lola. Acacia was certainly smart. Not only did she call her ugly, but also used the prince to reveal her appearance. Lola immediately sensed the danger and stepped back. "Maybe you are blinded by your love and refuse to even hear my explanation, but do remember I am a princess of Ujarma and no one is to touch me. Not you and certainly not your Lover. Just the fact that she admitted to lifting my vail, is enough a reason to receive a punishment form the king."

Valentine stoped and a smile of pure disdain washed over him. Lola was heartbroken, being on the receiving end of it.

"Please be my guest. Let us see who the king will believe and who will have their reputations ruined for good. I suppose as an outsider you do no know how much fatherly affection the king holds towards Acacia. Now, i want you to finally learn your place and be completely quiet until Instructed otherwise."

Princess was furious, but there was nothing she could do, not even storm out. She was to stay there until excused by the crown prince himself. So for an entire hour Lola had to stand there not even allowed to sit, while her fiancee was being affectionate towards another woman, not even acknowledging her existence. They were talking and cuddling without any shame. At the end Valentine kissed her with burning passion and slide his hand slowly down to her behind. The kiss lasted for eternity for Lola. She could not even avert her eyes. It was like she needed to see it to finally give up completely. As there lips parted Valentine looked at her. It seemed as though he had completely forgotten about her until this vary moment. "You are still here? Are you intending to watch us till the end? Not that we would mind."

"Prince! How can you be so horrible?!" Giggled Acacia. She turned towards Lola with a smile on her face. "I think you should leave us now. Although do visits me again in the future princes Lola." Her voice and look were so condescending. No one could stand as toll as Lola in a situation as humiliating as this. She did not even bat an eye. With the sweetest voice she said - "I will. Please do not let me bother you and do enjoy yourselves." Valentine and Acacia were surprised by her nonchalant answer. Was she really not fazed by what just transpired? Lola Immediately walked out of the room and towards her residence. Her attendants followed behind. The entire way there, not a word was uttered by anyone . Ones she safely arrived at her residence and closed the door behind her, she felt herself falling apart. It was not that she loved Valentine, but the humiliation she had to endure was to much for her. She was a proud woman and always returned the insults she received back tenfold. This time though she had to wait.

In a glamorous room with a little to much decorations Acacia was laying on a couch. Even while being alone she was still dressed in the latest fashion. She was laying on her stomach, with her cheek resting on her palm and eating some sweets from the small table next to her. Even now she was still so breathtaking. She was deep in thought. Four months had passed since the arrival of princess Lola. She was under constant abuse and humiliation. Acacia really tried her best to make her life miserable and she was truly good at it. Still Lola endured it all without speaking up against it ones. Her passive behavior was driving Acacia crazy. Valentine would never dare to cancel the engagement granted by his majesty. To much was on the line for him to do so. Acacia did not wish for him to loose the right to succession ether. No, it was Lola who needed to cause a big enough scine to force the king to put her in a mistresses position. This way Acacia would finally be the queen. She had to much riding on it and would never settle for anything less then a first place. Still, Lola looked as though she would not crack. She had endured everything Acacia trew at her. Time was running out. If Lola refused to act than Acacia would have to use a more forceful way to gain her desired position. It may have ruined her reputation a little bit, but who would care after she became the queen. She rang a bell and a servant girl came in immediately.

"Yes my lady. How may I be of use to you?"

"Sand a messenger to prince Valentine saying I need to speak to him immediately. I have big news that he needs to hear as soon as possible. Also if asked let the messenger say to the prince, that I am in poor health and distressed over matters unknown to you all. Simultaneously you will go to my fathers residence and deliver him this letter. It is sealed and should be viewed by him alone."

"Yes my lady. It will be done immediately."

As the servant left Acacia got up and walked towards the window. Her garden was truly marvelous. The best in the entire Dali. She could not contain a smile creeping up on her face, while thinking about what was to come. O how good the show she had prepared would be.