New Realm

The Ren Manor is well known in the whole Xing Yan Empire as it was a family of heroes who fought way back in the Dark Era where the whole North Star Continent was plague with demons. But who would have thought that famous clan of heroes actually have a good-for-nothing third miss?

The estate of the Ren Clan is large and behind the luxurious courtyard, a shabby and gloomy courtyard looks like a stain in Ren Estate. It was the courtyard of the third young miss, Ren Zhilan.

The delicate and frail body of Ren Zhilan is full of bruises and a trail of blood trickle on the corner of her mouth. Beside her is the first young miss and her uncle's only daughter, Ren Lifen.

Ren Lifen's face is full of arrogance as she repeatedly kicks the weak body of Ren Zhilan. Even though the poor girl is already motionless, she still didn't stop. Unbeknownst to her, the real Ren Zhilan is already dead and the one she's kicking is the infamous Chaos Goddess who have successfully reincarnated to the weak and talentless Ren Zhilan. Ren Lifen is unaware of Ren Zhilan's cold gaze towards her.

"Rubbish is rubbish, don't waste your time and let's leave First Miss. You need to preserve your strength as the crown prince will arrive tomorrow," Qi Rong said which made Ren Lifen finally stop.

"You're right; I shouldn't waste my time on trash like this one. You're lucky today slut. Next time I will certainly end you, hmp!" Ren Lifen said and gave a final kick to the motionless body of Ren Zhilan.

Once Ren Lifen and Qi Rong is nowhere to be found, Ren Zhilan stood up like an unwavering bamboo. She went inside the shabby courtyard like she wasn't been beaten earlier. Her dark eyes emit a chilling cold as she scans her place. This is not a courtyard but a pigpen. The inside was moist and cold, a make-shift bed made of hay and broken wares are the thing inside.

A black mist suddenly appears and became a girl. Seeing a beautiful girl kneel on the dirty floor will make anyone heart's ache but she doesn't give a damn. Looking at the place where her mistress will stay for the mean time made her empty eyes emit a chilling cold. She can't believe that her mistress will leave in this rubbish place. Her mistress is above of all, how can she let her stay here?

"Hei Ying, please tidy up this place for me," Ren Zhilan said with a cold and emotionless voice.

"I will head your command, Mistress!" Hei Ying said and quickly cleans the place like a swift wind.

As Hei Ying is busy, Ren Zhilan made a chair out of thin air and sit. Her only problem now is she doesn't know what kind of mission she needs to succeed in this realm. Before the God of Fate can inform her, she quickly jumps in the Space Bridge in order to avoid the persistent Light God.

Even so, she is not worried as she can solve it in no time. For now, she needs to adjust in this strange world. According to the memories of the original Ren Zhilan, she is the only daughter of the Third Master of the Ren Manor, Ren Weiyuan. He mysteriously died while his wife Su Yin disappears without a trace. Back when he was alive, he is a genius martial artist. Because of it, he was favoured by his father Ren Weizhe.

Ren Weizhe is a general as the Ren Clan is an old clan that exist since the Dark Era. He has three sons; Ren Weimin which is the father of Ren Lifen, Ren Weisheng which have a son and a daughter and lastly her late father Ren Weiyuan. Ren Zhilan's uncles hated the peerless talent of Ren Weiyuan and once he died, they made Ren Zhilan's life miserable.

It was not hard as Ren Zhilan can't absorb qi to practice martial arts or absorb spiritual energy to wield magic. They didn't even gave her a servant and let her fend for herself. No matter how they made her life miserable, Ren Weizhe still doesn't kick her out of the clan which made the two displeased.

According to the memories of the previous Ren Zhilan, she is currently in Xing Yan Empire. It was one of the five kingdoms in the entire North Star Continent. The whole continent was ruled by the strong, who are the people who can use dou qi and magic. People who have strong body can use dou qi while people with high mental stability can wield magic. Using the two would cause in balance to the person.

As she see it, the body that she is residing right now is not bad at all. It's just that the previous Ren Zhilan have a trauma that prevents her from wielding dou qi and magic. In fact, she can actually use both dou qi and magic. She tries to ponder the memory of the body but the memory about her trauma is very hazy. She finally gave up. Whatever was it, she doesn't care anymore as she is now the new owner of the body.

She is now the new Ren Zhilan and she will use this body to fulfil the mission given by the Fate God.

"Mistress, I am done tidying up," Hei Ying said with a satisfactory expression.

"Good, for now you will act as my personal servant. Humans are weak and I don't want to expose my strength so I will rely on you," Ren Zhilan said with a monotonous tone.

"I will do as you wish, Mistress," Hei Ying said with a warm light shining on dark eyes.

The once shabby place is now like a luxurious palace. Tables, chairs, bed, and even antique furniture are present. Of course all the things are from the things she had collected from her previous escapades.

Hei Ying prepared a bath for Ren Zhilan. Ren Zhilan quickly cleans her body and change into new set of clothes. For now, she is going to stay low key as she needs to familiarize first in this realm. As long as the stupid humans of the Ren Manor didn't touch her inverse scale, she will spare them. Her mission is much important that the stupid human affairs.