Silver Cauldron Auction House

The main hall of the Ren Manor is lively. Colorful lanterns, top-notch gourmet dishes, melodious music and fairy-like dancers made the atmosphere of the manor just like the Imperial Palace. There are only few reasons for having this grand banquet and the reason for this evening is the arrival of the Crown Prince, Zhao Longwei.

Everyone in the clan knew the real reason about the visit of the Young Highness and that's the engagement between him and the Ren Manor's good-for-nothing Third Miss, Ren Zhilan. Most of them are not pleased but they can't show it in front of the Patriarch, Ren Weizhe. After all, the engagement between the Third Miss and the Crown Prince was arrange by Ren Weizhe and Emperor Zhao Boqin.

If Ren Zhilan was not the only daughter of the late Ren Weiyuan, one of the most talented martial expert back in his prime; the Emperor will not allow his son to marry a waste of resources. But who would have thought the sudden death of the once talented and number one expert of the Xing Yan Empire?

While everyone is busy, a brewing trouble is about to be unfold.

Ren Zhilan will not go to the banquet but she will stir some entertainment for the Highness the Crown Prince. She can't wait for tomorrow's outcome. Everything was on set but she doesn't want to witness the play she wrote.

She would rather assess her situation than watch some jumping clowns as they make fool out of there selves.

While the whole Ren Manor is busy, Ren Zhilan decided to stroll around the capital. She didn't bring Hei Ying but she knew that she is lurking in the shadows and watch over her. Ren Zhilan disguises herself as a sixteen-year-old youth. One of her unique ability is shape shift. She can totally change her gender, body, appearance and voice and no one can see through to her unless they are a god like herself.

Even though it's already evening, the streets of the capital are full of people. Lanterns lighten the streets, vendors who sell food, clothes and other merchandise are all around the corner and entertainments like theater are also present.

But she didn't go out to go sightseeing. Her knowledge about this world is limited. Everything she knew is all based from the former's knowledge. She wanted a complete understanding in this world. Sadly, she doesn't know where she would begin. As she wanders around, she spotted a tall building where many people gather.

Ren Zhilan read the sign board; Silver Cauldron Auction House.

She swiftly enters the building and quickly gets on a good spot. It did not take long before the auction house to be full. As she patiently waits, Ren Zhilan observe her surroundings and gather some tidbits of information from the people around her.

It turns out that tonight, the Silver Cauldron Auction House will have some good treasures to be auctioned tonight but no one knew what it was. They didn't even posted what kind of items that will be auctioned but many people still gather and eager to buy the mysterious items of the Silver Cauldron Auction House.

The Silver Cauldron Auction House was owned by the Silver Winged Serpent Clan, one of the most influential families in the whole Xing Yan Empire. Just like the Ren Manor, the Silver Winged Serpent Clan also exists since the Dark Era. They are famous because of their patron Mystic Beast, Silver Winged Serpent who was tamed by one of the clansmen of the Silver Winged Serpent Clan and fought against the demon invasion.

Because of their influence, even though the people don't have any idea what the auctioned items they still come. After all, the Silver Cauldron Auction House has a good reputation of auctioning priceless treasures so that's why no one doubts them.

This made Ren Zhilan quite interested to the auction house.

Shortly after a few minutes, the auction will finally begin!

A beautiful young lady wearing a dark purple dress that fit through her body went to the center platform of the auction house. Because of the tight dress, her curves are alluring making the men almost drool. The beauty of the girl is beautiful but not enough to cause the downfall of a kingdom.

"Good evening everyone, I am Qu Mei and I will be your host for tonight's auction. For the appetizer for tonight, let me present you this!" Qu Mei said and removes the cloth of the item behind her.

It was a double-edge sword with a white jade as its hilt. The carving of the jade hilt is shape like a tiger's head and from afar you can tell that the blade of the sword is very sharp and emits a glow. The appearance of the sword almost causes a ruckus but the people calm their hearts.

"This is the Jade Tiger Sword, a Yellow Tier Artifact made by the Master Artificer from the Craftsman Association. The bid will start at 100,000 gold coins!" Qu Mei said that cause a series of howling from the crowd.

Weapon artifacts are hard to come by kind of treasure. It is because becoming an Artificer is not easy. You should have a strong spiritual energy and outer strength to make one. You need to invest blood, sweat and tears in order to make a single artifact. The materials for refining an artifact are also harsh. The Artifact Refiner Tool is expensive, the materials are also hard to find and lastly you have to use spiritual fire. Ordinary fire will not be good and in order to produce spiritual fire, you have to condense pure spiritual energy from your body.

Making spiritual fire is not easy as it might make you cripple and will be unable to practice dou qi or magic. So that's why Artificers are rare and respected by many people. Not everyone can be an Artificer and make artifacts. It will also take years to make a single artifact. The artifact also have different grade; Red, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Indigo and Purple.

The higher the grade, the more powerful an artifact is.

After the Dark Era, the high tier artifacts became scarce and no one has been able to make high grade artifacts. In the whole North Star Continent, having a Blue Grade Artifact is already rewarding. Indigo and Purple Grade artifacts can only be found on influential families or the royal family.

Seeing a Yellow Grade Artifact is already enough for this people.

"Brother, is that weapon precious?" Ren Zhilan curiously asked the person beside her.

"Of course it is! There are only few Artificer left so the artifacts are becoming scarce. Even it's only a Yellow Grade Artifact, it's still good!" the man said to Ren Zhilan with excitement reflected on his eyes.

"Is that so," Ren Zhilan said with interest.

For thousands of years, she has collected a lot of weapons and artifacts on her journey. She also has knowledge when it comes to blacksmithing and pill making. If the person next to her knew that she's making Purple Grade Artifact as a hobby, he would surely cough blood.

Seeing the liveliness of the auction house, an idea pop up in her mind.