Wrong Impression

Ren Weizhen is currently having tea in Peony Hall. Eunuch Fang is by his side, serving him an aromatic tea. As the old general is leisurely drinking his tea, he quickly stops when he saw the servant girl together with his granddaughter and grandson. Seeing the two of them having a harmonious relationship made Ren Weizhen delighted. Some of his grandchildren have an unfavourable impression with this grandson because of the influence of their fathers. It made him sad but seeing Mo Shirong with Ren Zhilan made him quite happy.

"Little Lan pays respects to grandfather," Ren Zhilan said in a gentle voice as she saluted.

"Shirong pays respects to grandfather," Mo Shirong said following Ren Zhilan's words and actions.

"Little Lan and Little Rong, come join with this old man," Ren Weizhen said in a delighted voice.

Ren Zhilan and Mo Shirong take their place near the old general. Ren Zhilan is seated across Ren Weizhen while Mo Shirong sticks to Ren Zhilan's side. The servant girl serves tea and snacks to the two. Mo Shirong is delighted as he quickly picks up a pastry and slowly eats it while Ren Zhilan take a small sip to the tea. Seeing them made the old general's heart warm.

"General, don't forget about the reason why you summon the third young miss," Eunuch Fang whispered to the old general.

Remembering the real purpose while he summons his third granddaughter, his expression became a bit stern. This sudden change made Ren Zhilan arch her eyebrow. It seems the old man has something to discuss with her and not let her have some grandchild and grandfather bonding.

"Little Lan, I know that you are unable to practice martial arts and magic so this old one will assign a guard for you," Ren Weizhen with a small smile on his wrinkled face.

A young man slowly walks to their direction. When Ren Zhilan saw the man, she quickly sizes him up. The man is quite young around in his early twenties. Based on his posture, he looks trained and disciple who depicts that he must be a soldier from her grandfather's military man. He is handsome but more like a heroic way because of him being a soldier. When it comes to strength, he is a rank 9 in Earth Realm.

Such a useless guard, Ren Zhilan thought.

She is already the rumoured powerful expert in the imperial city. She made seven Fighter Kings faint and injured. She may still not content to her current strength but as long as she can unseal all the nine layers of the Nine Cosmic Soul Seal, she can freely use her divine powers with ease. A mere Martial Warrior can't even compare to Hei Ying. But her status in the whole imperial city is the local good-for-nothing third young miss who can't practice martial arts or use magic. Giving her a guard for protection is necessary.

"Little Lan, this is Ye Rui and he is one of the promising soldiers under me. From now on he will be your guard," Ren Weizhen said in a delighted voice.

"This servant greets Third Young Miss," Ye Rui said and saluted to Ren Zhilan.

"En," Ren Zhilan said and quickly goes back from sipping her tea and eating snacks.

Ye Rui is quite surprise by the cold shoulder that Ren Zhilan shows. From a glance, he could not sense any magic or dou qi. In the North Start Continent, aside from political power and influence; having a powerful strength can gain you recognition and respect. This principle was being practice by the military men and so does Ye Rui. Seeing that a person who can't use dou qi or magic will be his master made him look ridiculous. If this was finds out by his brothers-in-arms, they will sure laugh at him.

His impression to Ren Zhilan is like a flower vase that is pleasing to the eyes but fragile. If he knew that he is branded as a waste by Ren Zhilan, he would cough a mouthful of blood. In Ren Zhilan's eyes, there's nothing impressive to him.

After Ren Zhilan eaten the snacks and tea, she didn't stay long and left with Mo Shirong. Ye Rui followed her even though he is against it. He sure can picture himself treated like a servant boy than a guard. Thinking of it made Ye Rui frown but he can't do anything about it no matter how he complains.

Sensing the displeasure of her assigned guard, Ren Zhilan didn't voice it out and let him fume in displeasure. She plans to use one of her people to serve as a guard and already chose Hei Gui. It seems making Hei Gui serves as her hidden guard is much better and the useless human guard will be just a decoration. Even he is useless as long as he is loyal, Ren Zhilan will keep him and can even made him powerful just like her Black Storm Army.

But it seems she made a bad impression to the lowly mortal which puzzles her as she doesn't know what she did to make the mortal disdain him.

"Shirong, would you like to accompany elder sister outside?" Ren Zhilan said gently to Mo Shirong.

Hearing that he can finally stroll around the imperial city, it made Mo Shirong's eyes sparkle with delight. The first time that he came to the imperial city with her mother, it was night time. When they finally set foot in the Ren Manor, his mother is always busy saying that she is doing it for his own good. This made Mo Shirong unhappy but he didn't complain because he doesn't have any choice.

Now that Ren Zhilan finally acknowledge him and even wanted him to stroll around the imperial city made Mo Shirong excited. Finally, he can go around and play. Seeing the happy and excited expression made Ren Zhilan please and she gently patted his head.

"Ye Rui go prepare a carriage," Ren Zhilan said in a nonchalant manner.

"This servant will oblige third young miss," Ye Rui blandly said and quickly leaves.

Ye Rui didn't take long to bring a carriage. Against his will, he assisted Ren Zhilan to the carriage. The three of them share the not so spacious carriage. Ren Zhilan and Mo Shirong are sitting together while Ye Rui sits across them with an expressionless face. Only Mo Shirong who has a curious and excited expression seems happy about this trip. It made Ren Zhilan please seeing the happy face of Mo Shirong.

"Where do you want to go Shirong?" Ren Zhilan asked the curious and gullible child.

"Shirong doesn't know," Mo Shirong said shyly while lowering his head.

"Then let's stroll every corner of this city," Ren Zhilan said as she gently patted Mo Shirong's head with a gentle gaze.

Mo Shirong became delighted when he heard it and quickly smiles. It causes a mini heart attack to Ren Zhilan. This little bun is too cute and adorable. It made her want to protect this little bean and wishes him to be small and innocent forever. Such an adorable and obedient child, she will do anything to protect him.

The carriage stop and the group consist of an expressionless man, an expressionless girl and an enthusiastic boy stroll around the busy street of imperial city. Wherever and whatever Mo Shirong pointed at, Ren Zhilan buys and take him there. Seeing how happy their mistress is, it made Hei Ying and Hei Gui delighted. They never see their master this happy before. The two servants then silently swore to protect Mo Shirong.

Mo Shirong is unaware that he being favoured by Ren Zhilan gave him a favourable impression to one of the feared officers of the Black Storm Army.

As Mo Shirong happily running around, he unintentionally bumps into someone. The candied peach he carried fall on the person's dress. Seeing the furious expression of the lady, Mo Shirong quickly hides behind Ren Zhilan.