Vague Truth

The imperial city of Xing Yan Empire is full of surprises. For example, the third young miss of the Ren Manor who is known to be a waste actually can cultivate dou qi. In just a single day, the news about how the third young miss of the Ren Manor beat up the young miss of the Fu Clan. This news astonishes all the people of the capital. No one believes it at first but many witnesses about Ren Zhilan and Fu Xiaofan's confrontation. Such news became the main topic in the streets of the capital.

At the manor of the Fu Clan, Fu Wang coaxes his daughter as she cried and bail in front of him. Fu Wang is helpless as even though he wanted to seek revenge to his only daughter, General Ren Weizhen still has a much stronger foothold than him. He only became a general because of his military contributions which is impressive for a man who came from a humble birth. Compared to the Ren Manor who existed before the empire was established, he can't even hold a candle to the old general.

Fu Wang can't help but sigh as he tries to appease his daughter. But no matter what he says, Fu Xiaofan still insists to punish Ren Zhilan. Since a young age, Fu Xiaofan is spoiled by her father and brothers as she is the only female member of their clan. She never suffered grievances because when she was born her father is already a general and her brothers have military positions. This made Fu Xiaofan think that she can step on anyone with her father's position.

For Fu Xiaofan, she and Ren Zhilan are equal. She doesn't have any idea about the difference of her family to Ren Zhilan's clan. Being fawned everyday by her servants, she thinks that she is special and can do whatever she wanted. But the world doesn't work like that. There will always be people above you and ignoring this fact can cause a bad end to anyone.

"You should avenge me Father, beat up that slut!" Fu Xiaofan said full of grievances.

"Fan'er, as much as I want to take revenge but your old man doesn't have the power. You should understand that her grandfather is General Ren Weizhen," Fu Wang said in a gentle manner.

"But father is also a general!" Fu Xiaofan said in frustration.

"Fan'er, both of us is generals but General Ren is not like us. He came from a prominent clan that existed since the Dark Era. Please understand, we can't offend them," Fu Wang said helplessly.

The general explain the difference between their family and the Ren Manor but Fu Xiaofan still fail to understand. Instead of lowering her pride, she wails and endlessly complains to Fu Wang that almost made him crazy. Frustrated about his daughter's behaviour, he orders to not let Fu Xiaofan out of her courtyard until she calms down. If Fu Xiaofan harm the third young miss of the Ren Manor, only ghosts can tell what will the old general do to him. Fu Wang went to his study with a helpless expression, hoping that the old general will not beat him up when they meet in court later.


The sun just rise but Ren Weizhen is in a good mood. As soon as he woke up, he quickly orders Eunuch Fang to pick up Ren Zhilan. When he heard the news that his third granddaughter can actually use dou qi, he didn't quite believe it at first. When he heard that Ren Zhilan beat up the only daughter of General Fu Wang, instead being angry he is actually joyful. He could deal with the rookie general later when they meet at the court later. The most important is that his third granddaughter finally can cultivate.

'Oh Weiyuan, I hope that you are proud,' the old general said to himself.

No one knows how many countless nights he prayed for his third granddaughter to finally be able to cultivate. Even her level is not high, she is still young and it's still not too late for her to grow stronger. Maybe Ren Zhilan can even catch that person's interest just like her late father. If Ren Zhilan became a disciple of that person, she can be strong and will have someone protect her from those people.


Ren Zhilan is not surprise when she saw Eunuch Fang in front of her courtyard. Many people witness her quarrel with the young miss of the Fu Clan. Ren Zhilan followed Eunuch Fang while Ye Rui secretly follows her. Instead to the Peony Hall where the rest of the clan members gather to eat breakfast, she is escorted to the old general's study. It made Ren Zhilan suspicious but not in a bad way. It seems the old man has something confidential to say.

"This granddaughter greets grandfather," Ren Zhilan said monotonously and bowed.

"Little Lan, have a seat. Eunuch Fang, please stay outside. I can manage," the old general said which his servant immediately obliges.

Ren Zhilan sits in front of Ren Weizhen. When she saw the simple breakfast in front of her, she knew that her cheap grandfather has something to say to her. She pretended to have an ignorant expression as she pours tea for the old general. This made the old general happy. This third granddaughter sure is filial just like her late father.

"Little Lan, this old one heard that you can actually cultivate. Is that true?" Ren Weizhen said as he stares at Ren Zhilan with interest.

"Yes, granddaughter can cultivate," Ren Zhilan said and release a yellow aura from her body.

When Ren Weizhen saw it, he can't help but smile. The solid yellow glow around Ren Zhilan's body signifies that she is actually in Earth Realm. This made Ren Weizhen sigh in relief. Now that Ren Zhilan can finally cultivate, she should know the truth. Her strength may be measly in the eyes of those people but once she can trains under the guidance of that man, Ren Weizhen is sure that she can climb higher or even surpasses her late father.

Looking at Ren Zhilan, her dark eyes are like his son. If only Ren Weiyuan is still alive, he would be able to protect her. But Ren Weiyuan can't even protect his life. Ren Weizhen quickly dismisses it in his mind. He can't live long and he can't protect Ren Zhilan forever from those people. Soon when they found her, it's either she will be killed or be a part of that rotten place.

"This old man is glad that Little Lan can finally cultivate. It seems that I should tell you about your parents," Ren Weizhen said with a gentle smile and a sad gaze.

When Ren Zhilan heard it, her heart started to beat fast. There is no information about the original's parents. All she knew that her parents are dead when she is still a baby. The way Ren Weizhen looked at her, it seems that there's something fishy to her parent's death. She suddenly became serious and stops eating casually.

"Your father is an outstanding man, the cream of the crop. He is a disciple of a mysterious and powerful man while your mother came from a powerful but enigmatic family. But your mother's family doesn't approve your father and killed him. I am glad that your father's master saved you on time. If not, not even a god knew what they will do to you," Ren Weizhen said with a dark expression.

He only met Su Yin a month before she gave birth to Ren Zhilan. He doesn't have any idea about where she came from and who is her family. But when the day that his youngest son was killed by his wife's family, he soon discovered that his son married a very dangerous woman. Until now, he doesn't know what kind of clan Su Yin came. All he knew that she is not an ordinary person.

When Ren Zhilan heard it, she is quite shock. No wonder she has a special body. It seems she inherited it from her mysterious mother. Ren Weizhen said that her father died but her mother was taken away by her clan. He doesn't have any idea where they took her or she is alive. They don't have any idea about her existence but Ren Weizhen knew that someday they will find her.

"Since you can now cultivate, I will give you this. This is a jade pendant from your father. His master is a powerful expert but he is mysterious persona. I have no idea where is right now. For now you should train harder, in two months the Misty Cloud Academy will hold its annual enrolment. Unlike a normal enrolment, the Misty Cloud Academy held a competition. A hundred students from dou qi and magic department will be chosen but only the top ten out of a hundred can be a real student of the academy," Ren Weizhen said firmly.

It seems that school is not simple and she only has two months to prepare for the enrolment. Ren Zhilan likes the school's admission. On the surface, it might be hard to enter that kind of school but she is not an ordinary girl. In the competition, she can test her strength. Starting from today, she will double her effort and she can't slack off. She needs to be prepared.