Everything is Resolved

Kang Xing was already in his room, finished cleaning and changing clothes because he had stained the clothes he had worn earlier with blood.

Kang Xing stood in front of the mirror, looking at the mirror with a big smile.

"Heaven, your system is advanced. I can't wait to be able to do my first task, haha!" Kang Xing muttered as he laughed in front of the mirror.

Meanwhile, Gong Zan has been treated by a special medical team to treat his health. Gong Zan is in the guest room next to Kang Xing's room.

And this was the first time He used the room for Kang Xing's first guest.

Tan Jiang had cleared up all the trouble that was on the second floor. All the invitees have also returned to their respective homes.

Tan Jiang also informed all the guests that the Young master was fine.

The body of the man who attacked Kang Xing has been secured in the autopsy room on the 8th floor—just waiting for news from the medical team to find out the origin of the mysterious man who attacked Kang Xing.


Kang Xing turned his head to where his cell phone was. Only a few of my rich people can afford today's state-of-the-art phones because the price of transparent mobile phones is the same as that of five elite residential complexes in Wuhan City.

"Mom," Kang Xing said, then picked up the phone from his mother.

"Yes, hello, Mom,"

[Hello Kang'er, are you okay? Has anyone been hurt? Where are you now? Kang'er, I have asked all the guards to patrol the entire area of ​​your building and rooms…] Liu Fei said in a panicked voice while talking to her son on the phone.

"Mom, I'm fine. Luckily a man my age saved my life. He is currently being treated in the living room by the medical team. Don't worry, Mom, focus on your project." Kang Xing said, trying to calm his mother, who sounded panicked.

[Ah, thank goodness, Kang'er then. Okay, Mom will finish this project first, okay? Mom will see you soon! Goodbye, Kang'er.]

[PhonePhone turned off]

Kang Xing was silent before he could answer the greeting from his mother. But her mother turned off the PhonePhone.

But Kang Xing tried to stay optimistic about it.

"Heaven, show me the data from Hou Chang!" Kang Xing said it asked the system inside him to be able to find information about the person he was looking for.

[Hou Chang's data is being searched]

[Search in progress]

[DI... DI... DI...]

[Sorry the quest failed, the system requires the first task to be completed. So the Host can display that information]

"Damn it!!!" Kang Xing cursed as he hit the table. His eyes were wide, and his emotions were high.

"Okay, Kang Xing, calm down... everything will go smoothly, okay!" Kang Xing said to himself. Trying to be more patient in carrying out the mission he got.

Kang Xing rushed out of the living room of his room towards the exit of his room. And at the entrance from his room, two guards were on the right and left of the access door.

"Sorry, Young Master is not allowed to leave the room before Madam and Master return from Beijing," said the guard in Kang Xing's room.

"Make a way! I'm going to the guest room!" Kang Xing insisted.

"Sorry, Young Master, we were carrying out orders. We won't let Young Master out of the room." The guard answered firmly.

Kang Xing looked at the man to the right of the door and stretched his right arm in front of Kang Xing.

[Name: Tan Gang]

[Age: 25 years old]

[Level: Ninth Stage Body Refining]

[Skill: Martial Arts././]

[Aura: Full of Vigilance]

Seeing the data appear before Kang Xing's eyes. Kang Xing smiled faintly, then narrowed his eyes at Tan Gang.

"Activate White Snake Martial Arts"

Kang Xing hissed and could barely be heard by the two bodyguards in front of him. Kang Xing said the key to activating the martial arts that resided within him.

[White Snake Martial Arts Activated]

After getting the notification, Kang Xing quickly used his strength to fight the guards who had just barred him from going out.

Kang Xing raised his head and looked at Tan Gang; with a lightning-fast hand movement, Kang Xing managed to immobilize Tan Gang with only one blow on the back of his neck with two fingers of his right hand.


Tan Gang fell at Kang Xing's feet without any resistance at all.

The guard on the left couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise when he saw the scene.

"Do you also want to ban me?" Kang Xing asked while smiling evilly at the bodyguard.

"No, young master." The guard answered in fright as he opened the bedroom door for Kang Xing.

"That's a great choice!" Kang Xing said as he left the bodyguards to stare unsteadily at his unconscious friend before him.

When Kang Xing left his room, the bodyguard immediately crouched down and inspected his unconscious companion.

The bodyguard checked Tan Gang's pulse, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he found out that his friend was still alive. Just fainted.

"Hah, luckily, you fainted. I better not mess with Young Master. Why is he getting scary now." The muttering bodyguard shuddered when he saw Kang Xing's cold and deadly gaze.

All the guards in the hallway were silent and in their respective positions when they saw Kang Xing coming out of his room into the guest room.

They did not dare to rebuke or forbid him as Kang Xing casually walked past them. Finally, Kang Xing entered the guest room.

One of the guards pressed the left bracelet he was wearing, and a blue hologram appeared on his left hand.

"Chairman Tan Jiang, I have something to report; young master comes out of his room and into the guest room." The guard said in a whisper to pass information to Tan Jiang.

As for Kang Xing, who had just entered the guest room, he smiled faintly when he saw that Gong Zan's condition seemed better than before.

Gong Zan was fast asleep and had an IV in his left hand. He had not regained consciousness after being hit by Yan Guozhi's punch.

Kang Xing approached Gong Zan, then looked at the monitor showing the activity of the organs inside Gong Zan's body. Kang Xing smiled, seeing that the boy was fine.

"I think I can use your power for me!" Kang Xing muttered with a faint smile looking at Gong Zan.