Prize Winner

Liu Kang smiled slightly as he looked at Tan Jiang who was now dead in front of him. He also glanced at Tan Shang who continued to stare at him with such killing intent that the system kept warning him of the killing intent directed at him.

Now it's not only Bong Ji who wants to kill Liu Kang, Tan Shang will take part in pursuing him. But Liu Kang wasn't afraid at all because that wasn't his nature.

Liu Kang already had a grand plan in his mind, and he would be happy to carry out the plan no matter what the cost.

"The winner of the Spirit Realm level competition is won by Liu Kang!" shouted Peng Gang who was still floating in the air.


The audience, who was initially silent because of the scene of Xiaoching Wei and Tan Shang's clash, finally shouted.

"I didn't expect that young man would win!"

"That's hard to believe, I guess He's a young foreigner new to this place!"