Buying New Techniques

"Sell the spirit stones and leave 200 pieces!" Liu Kang's orders.

[Is Host sure to sell 430,200 New high-end spirits?]

[Yes / No]

"Yes." Liu Kang replied.

[430,200 top-grade spirit stones successfully sold]

"Sell everything in the Cosmos bag!" Liu Kang orders again.

[... Successfully Sold]

[... Successfully Sold]

[... Successfully Sold]

[... Successfully Sold]

[... Successfully Sold]

[... Successfully Sold]

The notification sound had ended, and Liu Kang looked towards the corner to see the number of points. He couldn't believe that the items in the Cosmos bag were even slightly higher in value than the sum of all the spirit stones he sold.

"1,127,000 points!"

Liu Kang exclaimed in disbelief because this was the first time he had that many points. He increasingly wondered what item of great value he accidentally sold.