Springflame [I]

Ju Feng was lost in thoughts as he pondered on what lay ahead before him. From what he had learned at the beginning of the journey, he knew hey would soon be entering the argonian pass. Although it was an outland, it was still at the outskirt of the scaven kingdom, and part of the argonian territories. The original pass started from the scaven kingdom and ended in the argonian area.

The humans living at the outskirt had fashioned another pass from their outskirt territories which joined argonian pass at the outskirt of the scaven kingdom. But every now and then, the scaven and the argonian scouts would patrol the outland for any discrepancy. Confrontations was always avoided as much as they could.

However, on this day, the pass was peaceful and quiet. No sign of any form of aggressive alerts or dangerous auras coming from lurking scavens.