Dilemma Of A Demigod [I]

Chu Shang Wu was moved like lighthing, as he retraced the direction of the voice-cryer back to the last-possible position of Zhang Xiu Ying. He wasn't at home since the night before. He had left on a self-attuned journey inside an immortal cave near the border of Lijiang continent. He was returning from the journey when he became aware of the voice-cryer sent by Zhang Xiu Ying. She must have been trying to get in touch with her, but had decided to send a coice-cryer since she couldn't.

Voice-cryers were messages of high importance and urgency, sent through the mind force. They were only used when mind-voice connection couldn't be made with the entity intended. No immediate connection was needed to send a voice-cryer but their must be a previous connection between the sender and the receiver. The mind-force containing the message, would travel through spacetjme until it reached the receiver. Provided that it wasn't intercepted by a more powerful force.