Dilemma Of A Demigod [IV]

As the sun began to set at the horizon, spreading its largess into a grateful sky, rich hues of red blended with oranges, purples and crimsons. 

Zhang Xiu Ying stared at the beautiful sky, captured in its serenity. That was no time to reminisce about the events of the past or think about the future. That was a moment in time for a soul to experience the harmonious peace of the universe. Lost in the wonder of the sky, she closed her eyes as the serene feeling encased her nascent soul. But immediately, her closed eyes flew wide open. She opened her mouth as if to say something, but closed it, quietly. The moment was gone but not before she could grasp a thought. Although it was for a fraction of second, she laughed softly.


Zhang Xiu Ying was still laughing while staring at the sky, when she heard her mother's voice to her to her right.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"