Heaven's Touch [V]

Chang Chang stepped out into the open space and breathed the cool cavern air. Immediately she felt better. The open space was a buzz of activity, as a couple dozen dwarves moved about, setting up tables and benches and rolling in casks of ale and cider. Shouts, jests, and laughter greeted her ears—a sharp contrast to the attitudes she'd glimpsed when she'd first come to the city, and a welcome relief after the oppressive silence and strange whisperings of King Laggarma's library.

"Careful with that! Aw, gods—here, let me help with it, I'm beggin' you."

A wide smile spread across Chang Chang's face at hearing Dawoll's voice. The dwarven cook they first met inside the tunnel. He had been making delicious food for them. He followed a pair of dwarves carrying a large metal cauldron between them into the plaza. Thick, bubbling liquid sloshed in the pot, threatening to spill over onto the ground.

"Ignore him. He gets grumpy when his food's in peril."