Heaven's Touch [IX]

Orban grabbed Ju Feng's robe and jerked him close. The dwarf growled in anger. His voice was so thick, Ju Feng barely understood him. 

"He's dying. Dying in agony. Can't even pray!"

"Let me look at him." 

Ju Feng worked Orban's fingers loose from his robe and knelt next to Abron. The runecaster opened his eyes and looked at Ju Feng. For a breath, there was no recognition in his eyes. 

"Abron, your son is here." 

Ju Feng said as Orban's hands lay slackly in his lap. Ju Feng lifted one and placed it in Abron's. Garn drew in a breath and gasped. Pain clouded his vision. Orban held his hand and leaned in close, whispering something to his father. Abron moaned softly and moved his head from side to side. Orban looked up at Ju Feng imploringly.

"Abron, do you hear me?"