Haven [Afterwards]

"What is it?" Chang Chang asked. "Are you still in pain?"

"The bones are reknitting," Ju Feng said. "Painful though."

Chang Chang ran her hands over his robe's sleeve and across his body. "You're right, they're mending," she said. "Gods above, she must have broken every bone. How could she hit so hard?"

"Don't let her height fool you." Ju Feng said as a guard poured healing potion down Zu Ruo's throat. The dwarf was already stirring. When the liquid hit her tongue, she spluttered and opened her eyes. "She's much stronger than she looks."

Zu Ruo sat up and looked around at the crowd filtering off the ships. Chang Chang thought she must be looking for her master. She didn't realize he'd left her unconscious on the Haven floor.

"Suppose I owe you congratulations," Zu Ruo said, offering a hand to Ju Feng.

"It was a good fight," Ju Feng said. "You're still too merciful, champs. You should have taken my legs first."