Time [III]

"A perfect memory," Ju Feng said. "Maybe Cerest's mind couldn't survive that kind of clarity. To have all the defects of your own psyche laid out for you in a ring of fire—not many people could face it and live."

"So this," Chang Chang said, touching the elf's smooth face, "this is memory. His last memory." She felt an overwhelming wave of sadness—for her parents, Chang Wei, and for Brant. So many lives destroyed.

"We should get out of here," Ju Feng said. "There's no telling how long the structure will hold."

"The Ferryman's Haven is over," Chang Chang said quietly. She turned away, leaving Cerest on the raft, staring peacefully up at the sky.

They swam out of the wreckage together, Chang Chang's bobbing light leading the way. Gray mist clung to the harbor's surface. In the distance she could smell the Hearth fire burning. The orange glow gave the impression of a false dawn.