1. Knowing your skin type

Before you start lathering your skin with many products trying to clear acne, eczema or dry patches you need to be clear about what type your skin is in order to equip it with what it requires.

You can know your skin type by conducting a small experiment , which is clean your skin as you normally do and wait for an hour and during this time resist the temptation to touch it.

If it feels itchy and has some dry patches then you probably have dry skin

If it feels shiny and greasy especially in the T-zone and on the cheeks then you probably oily skin

If it feels good like neither too dry or oily then you probably have normal skin which you are damn lucky to be born with!

If your skin feels greasy on the T-zone and normal on the cheeks then you probably have Combination skin

If your skin feels itchy and becomes red then you probably have sensitive skin.

Now there is another type which everyone of us will probably be confused about that is the dehydrated skin type. It generally is difficult to find if your skin is dehydrated instead of any other type as the effects shown will probably be same as other types.

Actually classifying your skin as a certain type is a difficult thing to do because most people have different issues with skin, hormones and environmental factors also play a huge role in it, so take time to understand your skin and determine what type it is. It is really important to know your skin type before treating it with anything because you may actually be aggravating it instead of treating it. Also keep in mind that during the course of time your skin type may actually change...it may be because of age, hormones, stress , environmental factors and several other things. It is not necessarily a bad thing as it can revert back again. Change in seasons does not automatically mean that your skin type has changed it just means you have to tweak your routine here and there. Adjusting your skin care routine according to what your skin requires is what you should do. If you are really concerned over what is happening going to a dermatologist who actually listens to you can be a good thing.