main quest rewards

Following day Yi Tianyun continues to try the lucky aura. The result was disappointing. He found a broken silver in the corner of his room! No improvement to his martial arts, or finding any spirit fruit anywhere, and so on, there is just not enough reward for this pricey skill.

There is no such thing here, unless luck is really heaven defying, he thought that maybe something truly worth it will fall down from the sky.

"If I use it outside, maybe the effect will be much better."

He wants to try this Lucky Aura on the forest. If he is lucky, he can really find a burried treasures. For the time being, he deactivated the Lucky Aura. It consumes a Crazy Point every second. This consumption rate is very distressing. He only get 5 Crazy Points for killing a snow wolf, that's it, it can only last for five seconds, and it is very pitiful situation.

When he was going to go out for his experimentation, Xiaolian blushes and walks in, not daring to look him in the eye.

"Young Master, Palace Lord called you to attend elder meeting…"

"Elder meeting?"

Yi Tianyun immediately guessed that it was about his own affairs. His situation here has been very controversial. This time it is no exception.

"Then I am going now, sister Xiaolian, are you going too?" Yi Tianyun asked carefully, not wanting to create an awkward situation again.

"No, the elder meeting is for you to go, I am not qualified to go in." At least she can look at him in the eye now, so it should be fine.

Xiaolian's cultivation level is not high, she just an attendant in Jade Palace, specializing in serving, so her status is not high among other disciples.

Yi Tianyun didn't say anything else. He began walking toward the meeting. Not long after he arrived in Elder Hall, sitting in front of Shi Xueyun and the other side is three elders, the rest of the elite disciples sitting in Jade Palace are Spirit Refinement Realm, these three elders are all Core Condensation Realm, but they are much older than Shi Xueyun.

Yi Tianyun walks in and everyone's eyes were on him, but it's different from the usual disgust and dissatisfaction eyes.

"We have already discussed it earlier. In general, there are two problems. The first one is to let Tianyun become a disciple of Jade Palace; the second is that to give him the permission to enter the Heavens Immersing Ancient ruins." Shi Xueyun solemnly replied: "I don't know what the problems here elders?"

"It is undeniable that his performance is surprising, but ever since the establishment of the Jade Palace, we have never approved a male disciple. The rules cannot be broken, and his realm is not that high. If he enters the Heavens Immersing Ancient Ruins, he will suffer! He is the son of a criminal. Giving him shelter is the greatest tolerance!" The first to speak is the Second Elder Jian Yuping, looking at Yi Tianyun eyes with unfriendly gaze.

Her arguments are sound, the rules cannot be broken, his cultivation realm are not up to standard, naturally it is impossible to get to where he wants with this achievement. Even with his win in the tournament it still not enough, the rules is not what is wrong here!

Yi Tianyun felt uncomfortable. This elder throw sound argument one after another even though he never provoke this Jian Yuping, but since his mother does something that broke the rule, it seems he is the one who must bear the consequences!

"I agree with the opinions of Second Elder. The rules are absolute. The male disciples have never received the permission to become inner disciples. If this time we break the rules, it will definitely cause many men from outside to come here and cause great trouble to Jade Palace." Third Elder Lu Sibing said.

"She is right, we can't break the rules. However we can compensate other things for this. For example, martial arts, you can let him train what he wants." The attitude of Great Elder Mo Yu is much better than the others, at least he only complaints about the fact that they got rules that can't be broken, so nothing personal, and in exchange she gave him compensation, it's much better.

Three elders chose to deny him, which is not surprising at all. It's just that he has worked hard for the sake of Jade Palace, and it's really cruel to be treated this way.

"Other disciples, do you have any opinions?" Shi Xueyun's surprisingly calm.

The disciples around him looked at each other and choose to remain silent. The elders already said their opinion. Next step for their plan is to drive Yi Tianyun out of the Jade Palace.

Shi Xueyun solemnly said: "It seems that everyone chooses to deny and kick him out, then I also have my own idea about this. Tianyun will become a formal disciple, and he will get entry permit for Heavens Immersing Ancient Ruins."

"This is bad" Yi Tianyun thought, his aunt is completely making a decision based on her own bias, that's not a good perspective from a leader position.

"Palace Lord, that must not happen! This is not in accordance with the rules, it will stain our Jade Palace's reputation!" Second Elder immediately defend her opinion.

"Yeah, we cannot allow this, even though just this once, it will definitely be a problem later! For so many years, Jade Palace has not admitted any male disciple!" said Third Elder.

Shi Xueyun eyes are cold, solemnly said: "If I remember correctly, the official disciple recuited long ago was a male, but was changed later on. Is it not possible to change it back now? I'm not saying we will recruit male disciples in the future as well. We only need to recruit one male disciple and only for now!"

And it's true though. In the past, Jade Palace had male disciples, he is one of the Ancestor. But because he ran away from his duties, and abandoned other ancestors who had created the palace together, it leads to the revolution of only recruiting women disciples.

"To be honest, according to the performance of Spirit Sect tournament before, if it is not for Tianyun's effort, not only we will lose an entry permit for Heavens Immersing Ancient Ruins, but also lose the honor of Jade Palace! Which one is more important to you our reputation or rules?"