Chapter 4

If not for that single mistake she wouldn't have known . She tried so hard to force herself to love that man even when he was with other women but now she would suffer it all . All the pain and loneliness she would pay for it .

Fang Junting's heart broke seeing her like that . He wanted to comfort her so badly but he didn't know what to do or say .

He rubbed her head and she leaned her head on his shoulder and cried silently the tears were pouring like water but she didn't make a sound . After a while she fell asleep.

Fang Junting carried her in his hands and laid her on the back seat .

He felt ecstatic.

His head kept repeating the same words .

'She was back, she was back , she was back!'

This time he had her and he wouldn't let her go ever again . This time it was really till death do they part .

He drove happily to another villa .

"Welcome young master " The servants their greeted .

Fang Junting made an hmm sound then he carried the woman who weighed like a ten year old to the master bedroom.

It wasn't too small nor was it too big . He placed her on a bed that could fit 3 people.

She was sound asleep clutching the sheets.

It had become a habit . She used to love sleeping with her parents and holding them while she sleeps or she used her favourite teddy bear. When her parents died , she could only use the teddy bear but then someone took it away .

She got used to squeezing the blankets while she slept .

She must have been a witch in her past life that was why she had such bad luck and suffered so much .

Luckily , that idiot only enjoyed the money and left all the work for the vice - president of the company di they company was still doing pretty well .

She had to take over tomorrow.

He felt terribly hurt seeing her like that .

Mo Lingshi had a dreamless sleep .

Fang Junting watched her first sime hours still overly excited she was still here with him .

He had already planned what would happen and how he could capture her heart faster than last time . He later fell asleep on the couch still wearing the polo and denim trousers he wore when he, went went to the lake.

The next morning he sat down on the couch drinking some coffee and going through some documents. His mind was really on the woman on the bed though .

Mo Lingshi woke up around 12 minutes to 8am . She laid there for a while thinking of everything that happened and where she was before she remembered the sat up .

She scratched her eyes then she saw the man looking through files and sipping coffee . His posture was elegant and poised .

"You're awake "

"Mhmm what time is it ?"

"Almost 8am . You can freshen up in this room . There are a set of clothes prepared for you in the closet . "

When he said that , he put down the file and left the room .

She kept wondering why this man would be have been at Hai Cheng lake .

Was he following her ?

They were competitors and business so maybe he was trying to gain access to some information but then again whenever they were going up against each other , he always acted fairly even if when there where cases where he could cheat so she didn't believe that either .

Anyways , he had helped her she would think about the reason later .

As for Lu Feng and the Lu family, she would just take back everything she gave them and leave them alone .

She had already cried out all the pain and heartbreak and wanted to start her life anew with her daughter .

She felt light as she got off the bed . She was ni longer weighed down by worries . She liked this feeling. Now all she had to do was get back to the company and then go back home to her daughter .

She liked this freedom. She walked into the bathroom to freshen up then wore the denim pants and the long sleeved cotton shirt . She put on the slippers and then took her shoes in her hands and also her bag and car keys that were on the coffee table .

When she came down , breakfast was already on the table it smelled enticing but she had to go home. It would be weird if she eats with him too besides he had helped her to much .

" CEO Fang thankyou for your kindness . I really appreciate it . I'll take my leave now "

"Wait " she halted in her steps when she heard him and turned around .

"You should eat first then you go".

"No thanks " she said but then the guards at the door stood and blocked the door and didn't let her leave . She turned back and walked to the dining then she sat down and began eating . The food was actually very tasty but she knew the man had other plans and that was why she went back instead of beating those guards then leaving. She wanted to find out his plans si she went back and sat down.

When she was almost done with eating .

"Miss Mo don't you think you owe me ?"

He said in a calm indifferent tone .

"What do you want ?"

"I want your personal phone number ".

"What ?"

"Miss Mo I have few friends and I see you as someone I can relate well with . "

"What ?"

"Think of it as a win win contract ?"

"How do I win ?"

"Do you think you can't benefit anything from having me as a friend?"

He said calmly .

She looked straighter at his eyes . She knew he was going somewhere with this but rather chose to keep quiet and watch this guy and see what he's planning.

He was unreadable.

"Phone " she said in an indifferent tone .

She gave him the number and then called it and also saved his number onher phone .

"I'll take my leave now "

She said as she stood up .

"See you soon Miss Mo "

Mo Lingshi only curiously looked back at him 'see you soon ' what did he mean . She still walked out without saying anything though .

Fang Junting smiled after she had left .

Slowly but surely he'll get her .

When she walked out , she saw her car right in fron of her .

'This guy really thought of everything huh?'

She said in her heart then she got into the car .

She knew she was going to face a war as soon as she got to her home .

At the door of the Mo mansion that almost turned to the Lu mansion ,

Mo Zijin was at the door waiting for her mom .

"Little miss eat something the madam will be back soon ".the nanny tried to get her to eat something.

"I know she will be back soon so I'll eat when she's back " Zijin said .

The nanny really didn't know what to say anymore to convince this child to eat.

"Mommy !" She ran happily to hug her mother .

"Baby did you miss a little or very much "

"A little , have you eaten anything, where did you sleep last night . You didn't drink or smoke did you?" Zijin nagged her mother .

"I've eaten , didn't drink or smoke and slept as at a someone's place . "

"Who ?"

"Have you eaten anything this morning?"

"I'll go eat now " Zijin didn't want her mother to nag her like she had nagged her mother just now so she quickly ran inside to eat .

Mother Lu , father Lu and Lu Feng were all in the living room . They were all tense like convicts waiting for the judge to make his final decision.

Lu Feng couldn't even sit down and was walking from place to place .

He couldn't lose all this money . They had just found out the contract was fake . The company was never his in the first place . He wasn't worried before but now he was very worried . This woman wouldn't show them any mercy .

"Shashi you're back ?"

"Have you eaten ?"

"Where were you last might , Zijin was worried " the three of them said sounding caring .

Mo Lingshi was actually surprised . In 10 years she hadn't heard such caring words except from Zijin.

"Three of you follow me to the study " she said coldly before walking towards the study . The three of them looked at each other and followed her .

Mo Lingshi sat behind the table while they sat in front .

Lu Feng looked at her quietly . It seemed the positions had now changed .

He face paled even before she said anything.

"Firstly , your accounts have all been frozen .

Secondly , you will live this house with nothing but the clothes on your body , an extra set of clothes and shoes and apsolutely no jewellery.

Thirdly , a driver will take you to any destination of your choice and if after 30 minutes you haven't made up your mind on where you want to go the driver will drop you anywhere he sees fit and Lastly you will leave this house with the amount of 5000 yuan . You have 30 minutes to leave this house , the driver is waiting for you now . I don't want to see you ever again if not sudden death . Failure to comply with my rules sudden death too " Mo Lingshi said lazily .

"Shishi please be lenient on us " father Lu said . He liked his wealthy life .

"Yes we were blinded by greed " mother Lu said . She also didn't want to leave her life of wealth to a life of misery .

"Shishi remember those times when we were young and still kids . When we were closer than real couples . Please if you just give me one more chance, I promise , things will go back to the way they were just one more chance " Lu Feng said and even looked remorseful.

"I had a change of heart " Lingshi said .

The Lu's face brightened up immediately.

Such a stupid girl they all said on their hearts .

A little sweet words and they got her in their palms .

"Sudden death if you say one more word to me and now you have only 25 minutes left and if you exceed this time sudden death"

She said again . Their faces paled instantly .

But they could only go back to their rooms and get the necessary items .

Lingshu also left the study .

"Uncle Gu " she called the butler .

"Madam you called " Butler Gu came forward .

"Remove everything that belongs to them in this house , get some people to sell them and give the money to charity or you can keep it if you feel like it but I want all their things out of this house by 4pm this evening " she said then went to her daughters room .

Right now she just wanted to sleep. She played on the bed and fell asleep soundly .

When Zijin finished her breakfast , she went into her room and slept beside her mother .

By the time she woke up , it was already 11am . She got off the bed and Zijin had gone for self defense lessons.

She picked up her phone to play games lazily then she saw a text on her we chat from Fang Junting.

How did he get her we chat account?

This guy was definitely up to something? .

She said in her mind .

[Up for lunch ?]

[Nope having lunch with my daughter] she rejected truthfully.

Fang Junting was in his office looking through some documents when he got a notification from his phone . He looked quite disappointed when he didn't get the answer he was hoping for but then he got an idea.

[Bring her along ]

When she saw this , she was surprised.

[Alright what time ?]

But she agreed , this guy was too tricky. What exactly was his motive ?

[12pm . Sleepy Cloud restaurant. ]

[Sure] she said then lect that page .

And went to someone called @demonlove

[Spread the news in there . No one should help or support anyone from the Lu family]

[Alright , I want to go shopping when are you free ]

[Sunday ]

[Yay 😄😄😄 bring Zijin along too ]

[Okay bye ]

She logged out then started picking out matching outfits for Zijin and herself.

She had been in Zijin's room some months after she adopted Zijin.